
Singular/Plural, agreement in number

Singolare / Plurale (Singular/Plural, agreement in number)

Introduction. Italian, like many other languages including Old English, is inflected. That means the ending of words carries information such as gender (masculine, feminine) or number (singular, plural).

Unlike English, Italian does not form plurals merely by adding an -s to the end of words. Various vowels, based on the gender of nouns and adjectives, indicate if a word is singular or plural. The article must also agree in number with the noun.

Study the following conversions from singular to plural:
1. il ragazzo francese > i ragazzi francesi
2. la donna magra > le donne magre
3. lo zio intelligente > gli zii intelligenti
4. la stazione italiana > le stazioni italiane
5. il museo famoso > i musei famosi

Source: The Italian Program at the University of Kentucky

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