
Verb Fare and Idiomatic Expressions

Verb Fare and Idiomatic Expressions
Irregular in the Present Tense

Fare, since it is derived from facere, a Latin verb of the second conjugation, is considered an irregular second conjugation verb. It does not follow the regular pattern of conjugation (infinitive stem + endings).

Fare (to do, to make) is conjugated as follows:
io faccio
tu fai
lui fa
noi facciamo
voi fate
loro fanno

Fare also has an irregular past participle: fatto.

The Weather - Il Tempo
The verb fare is used in many expressions relating to the weather.

Che tempo fa? (How is the weather?)
Fa bel tempo. (The weather is nice.)
Fa cattivo tempo. (The weather is bad.)
Ha fatto caldo. (It has been warm.)
Qui fa sempre freddo. (It's always cold here.)
In primavera fa sempre fresco. (In spring it's always cool.)

Note!: In the preceding examples, it is an impersonal subject and is not translated into Italian.

The verb fare expresses the basic idea of doing or making, as in fare gli esercizi and fare il letto, but it is also used in many idioms.

fare i compiti - to do one's homework
fare il biglietto - to purchase a ticket
fare la fila/la coda - stand on line/wait on line
fare la spesa - to go grocery shopping
fare le spese - to go shopping
fare forca - to play hookey
fare vedere - to show someone something
fare una domanda - to ask a question
fare una fotografia - to take a picture
fare una passeggiata - to take a walk
fare colazione - to have breakfast
fare un viaggio - to take a trip
fare un capello - in quattro to split hairs
farsi la barba - to shave
farsi coraggio - to take heart
fare castelli - in aria to daydream
fare fingere - to pretend, make believe
fare male - to be painful, to ache
farsi in là - to step to one side
fare di tutto - to do everything possible
fare del proprio meglio - to do one's best
farsi degli amici - to make friends
fare alla romana - to split the check
fare il pieno - to fill up the gas tank
fare passare - to let through

Besides idiomatic expressions, the verb fare is used in a number of proverbs.

Fare e disfare è tutt'un lavorare. — It's all go, it's a hard life.
Chi la fa l'aspetti. — You will get as good as you gave.
Chi fa da sé fa per tre. — If you want something done, do it yourself.
Non fare agli altri ciò che non vorresti fosse fatto a te. — Do as you would be done by.
Tutto fa brodo. — Every little bit helps.
Chi non sa fare, non sa comandare. — A bad worker is a bad master.


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