
Forming the Imperative(命令形)

Forming the Imperative

 pensareprendere sentiredire
(noi)pensiamoprendiamosentiamo diciamo
(voi)pensateprendetesentite dite
(Loro)pensino prendanosentanodicano

The imperative (l'imperativo) is used to give orders, advice, and exhortation: be good, stay home, let's go.

The formation of the imperative in Italian follows a sort of "back-to-front" rule for the tu and Lei forms. In other words, parlare generates (tu) parla and (Lei) parli - as if the indicative forms had swapped places - while -ere and -ire verbs behave in exactly the opposite way: (tu) prendi, (Lei) prenda.

To create perfect, oven-fresh imperatives, stick to the following rules:

# the tu and voi forms are identical to their corresponding present indicative forms, except for the tu form of -are verbs, which add -a to the root: domandare > domanda

# the formal Lei and Loro forms (though the second is hardly every used) take the corresponding forms of the present subjunctive (see table below)

# the noi form (translated by "let's..." in English) also mimics the present subjunctive form - but this is identical to the common or garden-variety present indicative (andiamo, vediamo, etc.)

Regular verbs therefore have the following imperative forms:

  cantare vendere aprire finire
(tu) canta vendi apri finisci
(Lei) canti venda apra finisca
(noi) cantiamo vendiamo apriamo finiamo
(voi) cantate vendete aprite finite
(Loro) cantino vendano aprano finiscano

Irregular verbs follow the same pattern, except for essere and avere, which have rule-bending tu and voi forms:

  essere avere
(tu) sii abbi
(Lei) sia abbia
(noi) siamo abbiamo
(voi) siate abbiate
(Loro) siano abbiano

Note too that dire has an irregular, truncated tu form: di'. The same goes for andare, dare, fare, and stare, but with these four, a regular tu form is also possible: va'/vai, da'/dai, fa'/fai, sta'/stai.

# the negative imperative for tu in all conjugations is formed by placing non before the infinitive. The noi and voi forms are identical to those in the affirmative.

  lavorare scrivere
(tu) Non lavorare! Non scrivere!
(noi) Non lavoriamo! Non scriviamo!
(voi) Non lavorate! Non scrivete!

  dormire finire
(tu) Non dormire! Non finire!
(noi) Non dormiamo! Non finiamo!
(voi) Non dormite! Non finite!

# direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, and reflexive pronouns, when used with the affirmative imperative, are attached to the end of the verb to form one word. The only exception is loro, which is always separate.

alzarsi mettersi vestirsi
alzati mettiti vestiti
alziamoci mettiamoci vestiamoci
alzatevi mettetevi vestitevi

# when a pronoun is attached to the tu imperative short forms of andare, dare, dire, fare, and stare, the apostrophe disappears and the first consonant of the pronoun is doubled, except when that pronoun is gli.

Fammi un favore! Fammelo! (Do me a favor! Do it for me!)
Dille la verità! Digliela! (Tell her the truth! Tell it to her!)

# when the verb is in the negative imperative, the pronouns may either precede or follow the verb.

Carlo vuole le paste? (Does Carlos want the pastries?)
Non gliele dare! (Non dargliele)! (Don't give them to him!)

*update: (NHK Text)
◆命令形:tu と Lei; ( ) のなかは現在形
tuchiama (chiami)guarda (guardi)scusa (scusi)
Leichiami (chiama)guardi (guarda)scusi (scusa)

tuscrivi (scrivi)senti (senti)finisci (finisci)
Leiscriva (scrive)senta (sente)finisca (finisce)



▼目的語の代名詞: tu の活用形では動詞の後ろにつきます。
ごめんなさいSucusamiMi scusi.
(放送を)聞いてくださいAscoltaci.Ci ascolti.
私にくださいDammi.Mi dia.
私に言ってくださいDimmi.Mi dica.
私に見せてくださいFammi vedere.Mi faccia vedere.


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