
Indirect Object Pronouns(間接目的語代名詞)

Indirect Object Pronouns

Ti porterò un bel mazzo dei fiori.
Gli è arrivato un telegramma. 彼に...届いた
Non lo do loro. 彼らにそれをあげない
Comunicategli la notizia!

Pensa di scrivermi qualche volta.
Pure riservandoci due posti, ne ha voluto un altro.
Datale una spinta, usci.

Direct object nouns and pronouns answer the question what? or whom? Indirect object nouns and pronouns answer the question to whom? or for whom? In English the word to is often omitted: We gave a cookbook to Uncle John.— We gave Uncle John a cookbook. In Italian, the preposition a is always used before an indirect object noun.

Abbiamo regalato un libro di cucina allo zio Giovanni. (We gave a cookbook to Uncle John.)
Perché non regali un profumo alla mamma? (Why don't you give Mother some perfume?)
Puoi spiegare questa ricetta a Paolo? (Can you explain this recipe to Paul?)

Indirect object pronouns (i pronomi indiretti) replace indirect object nouns. They are identical in form to direct object pronouns, except for the third person forms gli, le, and loro.

mi (to/for) meci (to/for) us
ti (to/for) youvi (to/for) you
Le (to/for) you (formal m. and f.)Loro (to/for) you (form., m. and f.)
gli (to/for) himloro (to/for) them
le (to/for) her

Indirect object pronouns, like direct object pronouns, precede a conjugated verb, except for loro and Loro, which follow the verb.

Le ho dato tre ricette. (I gave her three recipes.)
Ci offrono un caffè. (They offer us a cup of coffee.)
Parliamo loro domani. (We'll talk to them tomorrow.)
Che cosa regali allo zio Giovanni? (What are you giving Uncle John?)
Gli regalo un libro di cucina. (I'll give him a cookbook.)

Indirect object pronouns are attached to an infinitive, and the –e of the infinitive is dropped.

Non ho tempo di parlargli. (I have no time to talk to him.)

If the infinitive is preceded by a form of dovere, potere, or volere, the indirect object pronoun is either attached to the infinitive (after the –e is dropped or placed before the conjugated verb).

Voglio parlargli. Gli voglio parlare. I want to talk to him.

Le and gli never elide before a verb beginning with a vowel or an h.

Le offro un caffè (I offer her a cup of coffee.)
Gli hanno detto «Ciao!» (They said "Ciao!" to him.)


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