
Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs(相互再帰動詞)

Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs

*update: (NHK Text)
会う(vedersi)合図しあう(farsi cenni)
ci vediamo ci facciamo cenni
vi vedete vi fate cenni
si vedono si fanno cenni

The plural reflexive pronouns ci, vi, and si are used when conjugating reciprocal reflexive verbs:

Ci scambiammo alcune informazione. (We exchanged some information.)
Vi scriveste frequentemente, dopo quell'estate. (You frequently wrote to each other after that summer.)
Si abbracciarono affettuosamente. (They embraced each other affectionately.)

Other reciprocal verbs are listed in the table below.

abbracciarsi to embrace each other (one another)
aiutarsi to help each other (one another)
amarsi to love each other (one another)
ammirarsi to admire each other (one another)
baciarsi to kiss each other (one another)
conoscersi to know each other (also: to meet)
consolarsi to comfort each other (one another)
incontrarsi to meet (each other)
innamorarsi to fall in love (with each other)
insultarsi to insult each other (one another)
riconoscersi to recognize each other (one another)
rispettarsi to respect each other (one another)
rivedersi to see each other again (one another)
salutarsi to greet each other (one another)
scriversi to write to each other (one another)
sposarsi to get married (to each other)
vedersi to see each other (one another)
visitarsi to visit each other (one another)


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