
Irregular Second Conjugation Verbs

Irregular Second Conjugation Verbs

Andare, Dare, and Stare
Many important Italian verbs are irregular: they do not follow the regular pattern of conjugation (infinitive stem + endings). They may have a different stem or different endings. There are only three irregular first conjugation verbs (verbs ending in -are):
andareto go
dareto give
fareto do; to make
stareto stay

* Dare and stare are conjugated as follows:

dare (to give) stare (to stay)
do sto
dai stai
diamo stiamo
date state
danno stanno

The verb stare is used in many idiomatic expressions. It has different English equivalents according to the adjective or adverb that accompanies it.

stare attento/a/i/eto pay attention
stare bene/maleto be well/not well
stare zitto/a/i/eto keep quiet
stare frescoto be mistaken (or kidding oneself)
stare fuorito be outside
starsene da parteto stand aside, to be on one side
stare suto stand (sit) up straight
stare a cuoreto matter, to have at heart
stare conto live with
stare in piedito be standing
stare in guardiato be on one's guard

Ciao, zio, come stai?Hi Uncle, how are you?
Sto bene, grazie.I'm fine, thanks.
Molti studenti non stanno attenti.Many students don't pay attention.

* Andare and fare are conjugated as follows:

andare (to go)fare (to do; to make)

If verb andare is followed by another verb (to go dancing, to go eat), the sequence andare + a + infinitive is used. Andare is conjugated, but the second verb is used in the infinitive. Note that it is necessary to use a even if the infinitive is separated from the form of andare.

Quando andiamo a ballare?When are we going dancing?
Chi va in Italia a studiare? Who's going to Italy to study?

A means of transportation, if indicated with andare, is preceded by in.

andare in aeroplano to fly
andare in biciclettato ride a bicycle
andare in trenoto go by train
andare in automobile (in macchina)to drive, to go by car


andare a piedi to walk

As a general rule, when andare is followed by the name of a country, the preposition in is used; when it is followed by the name of a city, a is used.

Vado in Italia, a Roma. I'm going to Italy, to Rome.

Fare expresses the basic idea of doing or making, as in fare gli esercizi and fare il letto, but it is also used in many idioms.

fare una domandato ask a question
fare una fotografiato take a picture
farsi degli amicito make friends
farsi la barbato shave
fare caldoto be warm (weather)
fare capireto explain
fare colazioneto have breakfast
fare i compitito do one's homework
farsi coraggioto take heart
fare un erroreto make a mistake
fare freddoto be cold (weather)
fare la guerrato make war
farsi in làto step to one side
fare nascereto cause, to bring about
fare la spesato buy groceries
fare vedereto show someone something

The verb fare is used in many expressions relating to the weather.

Che tempo fa?How is the weather?
Fa bel tempoThe weather is nice
Fa cattivo tempo.The weather is bad.
Ha fatto caldo.It has been warm.
Qui fa sempre freddo.It's always cold here.
In primavera fa sempre fresco.In spring it's always cool.


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