
Sample Dialog (18)

- Se potessi avere una macchina sportiva, partirei subito. Come sarebbe piacevole correre sull'Autostrada del Sole. Ti porterei fino in capo al mondo.
- Ma teme che tu abbia un incidente o cada in contravvenzione.
- Non succederà nulla perché per ora non ho ancora la patente di guida, e senza questa non si può guidare. Comunque un giorno ti porterò dove tu vorrai e tutto ciò senza incidenti e senza contravvenzioni.
- Mah, credevo che l'avessi già ottenuta.
potessi avessi
potessi avessi
potesse avesse
potessimo avessimo
poteste aveste
potessero avessero
(conjuntivo imperfetto)

(condizionale presente)


Sample Dialog (17)

- Ora bisogna che io vada in giardino a cogliere dei flori. Stasera abbiamo degli ospiti e ho pensato di abbellire il salotto con molti fiori. Vorrebbe venire con me?
- Sì, volentieri. Che belle aiuole avete!
- Vorrei occuparmene maggiormente, ma purtroppo non ho tempo.
- Potrei aiutarLa io. Posso annaffiare ora?
- Grazie, ma credo che sia meglio aspettare questa sera.
(congiuntivo presente)

(condizionale presente)

Sample Dialog (16)

- Affrettiamoci. Fra poco il treno parte.
- Su, su prendi la borsa. Fa' presto.
- Mamma mia, non ho comperato i biglietti.
- Ah, come sei distratto. Lo faccio subito io; intanto tu vai in treno e trova i posti.
- Benissimo.
- Aspetta. Chiama un facchino e digli di portare il bagaglio.
- Facchino, mi porti, per favore, questo bagaglio. A che binario è il direttissimo per Venezia?
- Binario 7. Venga con me, signore.

*affrettarsi = いそぐ
affrettarsiprenderefareandaredire venire
affrettatiprendifai, fa'vai, va'di', dìvieni
si affrettiprendafacciavadadicavenga
si affrettinoprendanofaccianovadanodicanovengano


Sample Dialog (15)

- Signor Antonio, spero che verrà con me a teatro.
- Grazie. Però, questo pomeriggio dovrò andare a Novara per affari. Che cosa si dà al teatro?
- La commedia del Pirandello, 《Enrico IV》.
- Oh, proprio quello che desideravo vedere.
- Se non le dispiace, andiamo la sera.
- Va bene. D'accordo. Quando sarò ritornato da Novara, Le telefonerò subito.

*proprio = 本当に、まさに


Sample Dialog (14)

- Abbiamo camminato quasi mezz'ora. Non sei stanco?
- No, chiacchierando e vedendo le cose nuove non mi sento per nulla stanco.
- Oh ecco finalmente siamo arrivati.
- È questa Santa Maria Maggiore?
- Sì, così è chiamata, perché la chiesa è grande, è la maggiore fra tutte quelle dedicate alla Santa Vergine.
- È veramente bella.
- Ora saliamo la gradinata; dall'alto si vede il bel panorama della città di Roma.

*chiacchierare = しゃべる
*per nulla = 全然 ... でない
Santa Vergine = 聖母マリア
gradinata = 階段

Sample Dialog (13)

- Ben tornato! Come hai passato le vacanze?
- Magnificamente. Ho fatto tante belle cose.
- Dove sei stato?
- Siamo stati a Viareggio.
- È un bel posto. Ti è piaciuto?
- Sì, moltissimo, ma purtroppo, le vacanze sono ormai finite. E tu dove hai passato le tue vacanze?
- Ho viaggiato in Spagna. Mi sono fermata tre giorni a Madrid.
sono siamo
sei siete
è sono

Sample Dialog (12)

- Per favore, può mostrarmi qualche paio di scarpe?
- Come le vorrebbe, signorina?
- Queste sono bellissime. Posso provare?
- Sì, prego.
- Sono un po' strette. Non avete la misura più grande?
- No, signorina, mi dispiace, ma abbiamo altri modelli elegantissimi che sono anche meno cari.
- Quanto costano queste?
- Costano settemila lire.

Sample Dialog (11)

1) 月日の表し方
Quanti ne abbiamo oggi? - Oggi ne abbiamo sette.
Che giorno del mese è oggi? - Oggi è il 23 maggio.
Che giorno della settimana è oggi - Oggi è martedì.

2) 時間の表し方
Che ore sono?
- È l'una.
- Sono le due.
- Sono le due e dieci.
- Sono le tre e un quarto.
- Sono le cinque e mezzo.
- Sono le sei meno dieci.

Sample Dialog (10)

- A che ora ti alzi ogni mattina?
- Mi alzo alle sei e mezzo, ma la domenica mi sveglio un po' più tardi.
- Cosa fai per la prima cosa la domenica mattina?
- Appena mi alzo, vado alla finestra a vedere che tempo fa.
- Come ti senti se piove?
- Mi sento un poco triste. Ma mi piace anche stare in casa; mi diverto guardando la televisione.

svegliarsi = 目を覚ます
sentirsi = 感じる、気がする
divertirsi = 楽しむ
mi alzo  ci alziamo
ti alzi  vi alzate
si alza   si alzano

Sample Dialog (9)

- Ah, ecco il signor Rossi. Lei lo conosce?
- No, lo conosco soltanto di nome.
- Buona sera, signor Rossi.
- Buona sera. Felicissimo di rivederlLa. Come sta?
- Grazie. Sto bene.
- Signorina, mi permetta di presentarLe il signor Rossi. (Al sig. Rossi) La signorina Franca.
- Molto piacere.
- Molto piacere di conoscerLa.
mi 私を  ci 私たちを
ti 君を  vi 君たちを
lo 彼を、それを  li 彼らを、それらを
la 彼女を、あなたを、それを  le 彼女達を、あなた方を、それらを


Sample Dialog (8)

- Ciao, Anna!
- Ciao! Dove vai?
- Vado in centro a fare delle spese. Non vuoi venire con me?
- Oh, mi dispiace, non posso, perché oggi devo aiutare la mamma nelle faccende domestiche.
- Tuo fratello, come sta?
- Grazie, sta bene. Dice che è sempre occupato; ha tanto da studiare.
- Allora arrivederci, tanti saluti a tuo fratello e a tua madre.
- Sì, grazie, arrivederci a presto. Ciao.
andare   stare 
vado andiamo  stostiamo
vai andate  staistate
va vanno  stastanno

Sample Dialog (7)

- Siamo ormai nel periodo delle vacanze estive. Siamo liberi. Le vacanze durano fino al 15 ottobre.
- Andate al mare o in montagna?
- Io vado al mare. Parto oggi con la macchina. E tu, dove vai?
- Vado in montagna, a San Moritz. Sai dov'è San Moritz?
Sì, in Svizzera. È un bel posto di villeggiatura.
- Ci vado con un gruppo di amici. Siamo in quindici.
- Allora buon viaggio e buone vacanze.
- Buone vacanze, arrivederci.

*ormai = もうすでに
*villeggiatura = 別荘生活
undici(11)dodici(12)tredici(13)quattordici(14) quindici(15)
sedici(16)diciassette(17)diciotto(18)diciannove(19) venti(20)
ventuno(21)ventidue(22)ventitrè(23)ventiquattro(24) venticinque(25)
ventisei(26)ventisette(27)ventotto(28) ventinove(29)trenta(30)

Sample Dialog (6)

- Lei parla italiano?
- Sì, un poco.
- Parla anche inglese, vero?
- Parlo, leggo e scrivo assai bene l'inglese. Ma non parlo bene l'italiano.
- Studia l'italiano all'università?
- Sì, soltanto da un anno.
- Il professore vi parla sempre in italiano?
- No, non parla sempre in italiano. Quando spiega la grammatica parla in giapponese.
- Capisce quando parla in italiano?
- Capisco se parla molto lentamente.

*assai = かなり
*soltanto = 単に
mi 私にci 私たちに
ti 君にvi 君たちに
gli 彼にloro 彼らに
le 彼女に、あなたにloro 彼女達に、あなた方に

Sample Dialog (5)

- Que cosa hai? Sei pallido.
- Ho un forte mal di capo, e forse ho anche un po' di febbre.
- Non hai appetito?
- No, io non ho appetito, invece ho sete. Dammi un bicchiere di acqua, per piacere.
- Sì subito. Hai bisogno di risposare a letto. Per fortuna abbiamo una buona medicina in casa.

mal di capo = 頭痛
per fortuna = 幸いに
ho abbiamo
hai avete
ha hanno

Sample Dialog (4)

- È in casa il signor Antonio?
- Sì, Antonio è in casa. Chi è Lei, scusi.
- Sono Yamada. Ecco el biglietto da visita.
- Aspetti un momento, per favore.
- Passi pure, signor Yamada.
- Grazie. Disturbo?
- No, prego, anzi.

*pure = どうぞ
*anzi = それどころか、反対に
sono siamo
sei siete
è sono
(indicativo presente)

Sample Dialog (3)

Grazie tanteたいへんありがとう
Molte grazieたいへんありがとう
Mille grazieたいへんありがとうございます
Grazie di cuore心からありがとうございます
Molto gentileとてもご親切に
Di nienteどういたしまして
Non c'è di cheどういたしまして

役に立つ(かもしれない?!)イタリア語講座 VIVA! イタリアン3


役に立つ(かもしれない?!)イタリア語講座 VIVA! イタリアン2


役に立つ(かもしれない?!)イタリア語講座 VIVA! イタリアン



リストランテへ行く時の基本 メニューの見方vol.1


ガイドのパスタレシピ集 - [男の料理]All About

















Appunti di viaggio by Claudia & Giovanni - イタリア人の見た日本


Sample Dialog (2) (Caffe Talk)

Sample Dialog

you (entering the caffe with your companion): Buon giorno.
bartender: Buon giorno. Dica.
you: Vorremmo due espressi e due cornetti(*), per favore.
bartender (indicating selection of pastries): Quali?
you (pointing): È questo con marmellata?
bartender (pointing): No, questo e quello sono con marmellata.
you (indicating your two choices): Va bene, prendiamo questo e questo.

The bartender hands over pastries and makes the coffees.

bartender: Ecco!
you: Grazie.
bartender: Prego.

You take the coffees and pastries to a table and enjoy them, then return to pay before leaving.

you: Vorrei pagare.
bartender (printing receipt): Allora, due caffè, due paste ... cinque euro e quaranta centesimi (5.40 euro, around 6 dollars).

The price was 1.20 euro for each espresso and 1.50 euro each for the pastries - more expensive because you were sitting outside. Inside, the espresso costs only 70 cents each.

you (carefully putting money in tray): Grazie.
bartender: Grazie a lei.
you (leaving): Arrivederci.
bartender: Arrivederci.

Source: Slow Travel Italy
Croissant pastries, usually eaten at breakfast, most often in a bar, coffee shop.
Source: ItalianMade.com

Sample Dialog (alla trattoria)

Sample Dialog

A husband and wife enter a trattoria in early evening.

waiter (upon noticing the couple's arrival): Buona sera. Ha prenotato?
husband: No, non ho prenotato. Ha un tavolo libero per due?
waiter (indicating the way to an available table): Si, signore. Prego.

After a brief wait, a waiter arrives and leaves menus. Soon after, he returns to offer the couple a chance to order something to drink while contemplating the dinner orders.

waiter: Cosa da bere?
husband: Vorremo una bottiglia di acqua minerale naturale e del vino. C'e un vino bianco della casa?
waiter: Si. Una bottiglia?
husband: Potremmo avere un mezzo litro del vino?
waiter: Si - acqua minerale naturale e mezzo litro di vino bianco.

A member of the restaurant staff comes and puts some bread on the table. After a short while, the waiter returns with bottle of water and a beaker of wine. He leaves and returns again to take the dinner order.

waiter (readying order pad): Allora...
husband: Per cominciare, vorremo due bruschette(*), una bruschetta al tartufo ed una bruschetta semplice.
waiter (makes a quick note, then looks up again): Si.
husband: Per primi, un tagliatelle al tartufo e un linguini(*2) pomodoro.
waiter (again makes a quick note and looks up expectantly): Si.
husband: Per secondo, prendiamo due piatti di funghi porcini alla griglia.
husband: E dei contorni: patate fritte e spinaci saltati.

Waiter once again writes quickly to his pad, then looks up expectantly.

husband: È tutto.
waiter (with a certain approving air): Va bene.

Waiter walks off to deliver order and some time goes by during which the couple enjoys the water, the wine, the bread and the general ambience. In due course, the antipasti courses - two orders of bruschetta - arrive. The couple enjoys each course in turn, eventually finishing all the items so far ordered. Restaurant staff clear the empty dishes and other debris. The waiter returns.

waiter: Allora, altro? - dessert, caffè, digestivi?
husband: Una panna cotta et due caffè - anche il conto, per favore.

In a short while, the panna cotta arrives. The couple shares it and drinks the two espressos which arrive separately. A little time goes by and the check does not arrive.

husband (catching the waiter's eye): Scusi - il conto, per favore.

Soon after the check arrives. The couple pays the amount indicated, adding a 10 percent tip since no service charge has been included and the meal was very enjoyable. They then stand up and walk to the exit.

waiter (seeing the couple on their way out): Buona sera.
couple: Grazie, buona sera.

Source: Slow Travel Italy
Toasted bread rubbed with garlic and dressed with olive oil, and fresh diced tomato, sometimes topped with onions and mushrooms.
Flat thin noodles, mostly popular in Southern Italy; linguine alle vongole, with a red or white clam sauce.
Source: ItalianMade.com



Caffè Ristretto
Ristretto This is the strongest and most concentrated espresso drink. It is made with about half the amount of water but the same amount of coffee as a regular espresso. It is pure, intense, and wonderful in taste. Ristretto in Italian means "restricted." (普通よりも濃いコーヒー)
Caffè Lungo
A long espresso made by adding boiling water to a 1.5 ounces espresso. (The same as an Americano.)(普通よりも薄いコーヒー、日本で言う一般的なコーヒー)
Caffè Americano
Espresso that is cut with very hot water to fill an American size cup. (アメリカンコーヒー)
Caffè Corretto
Espresso with a shot of brandy, cognac, or liqueur.(リキュール入りコーヒー)
Caffè Macchiato
1.5 ounces of espresso in a demitasse, topped with a dollop of foamed milk. (Macchiato means marked in Italian.)(少量のミルク入りコーヒー)
Caffè Latte Macchiato
A glass of hot milk, with a teaspoon of espresso.(少量のコーヒー入りミルク)
Source: coffeeforless.com


飲み物 (Bevande) 
Caffè Latte(*2)カフェラッテ
Succo di Fruttaネクター風のフルーツジュース
Acqua Mineraleミネラルウォーター
Cappuccino gets its name from the Italian order of Catholic Capuchin monks, whose hooded robes resemble the drink's cap of foam in shape and color. The frothed milk from the top of the steaming pitcher is spooned on top to "cap" the cappuccino and retain heat. The proportion of espresso to steamed and frothed milk for cappuccino is usually 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 frothed milk on top.
(*2)caffe latte
1.5 ounces of espresso in a six-ounce cup filled to top with steamed milk, forming a dense drink. This may be topped with foamed milk.
Whipped iced fruit or coffee beverage.
Juice of freshly squeezed fruit; succo is the generic term for juice.
Slushy gelato made by freezing liquid (often coffee or lemon juice) into crystals of grainy texture. It is sometimes topped with whipped cream.
Source: ItalianMade.com

食前酒 (Aperitivo) 
食後酒 (Digestivo) 
Any of a variety of small snack sandwiches with savory fillings, usually eaten at a bar.
Bread roll, also when split and filled as a sandwich.
Source: ItalianMade.com


Where To Eat in Italy

Where To Eat

At one time there was a distinct difference between a trattoria and a ristorante, based on the type of clientele and the prices charged. Now they are virtually interchangeable.

Inexpensive meals can be found in stand-up snack bars that feature the tavola calda, which means "hot table." Usually frequented for lunch, these places feature a series of hot and cold dishes either to eat there or take out.

Rosticcerie are also places that offer hot and cold dishes to eat in or take out. At either the tavola calda or rosticceria, items are priced by the portion. You choose your food, pay the cashier, get a receipt(scontrino), and give that to the person behind the counter, who will dish up your food. Snack counters in bars sell ready-made sandwiches and so do paninotece, which are actual sandwich bars. You will also encounter pizzerias (very often open only in the evening, especially in Rome and Florence) and places called pizza a taglio or pizza rustica. These are hole-in-the-wall shops selling ready-made pizza by the slice. The pizza is cut to order and sold by weight. It is fun to try several small pieces. Seating is virtually nonexistent.

Other places for a quick bite or a simple meal include a latteria, which sells cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products; a gelateria, which serves ice cream; or a pasticceria, where you can go for a fresh pastry any time of the morning or afternoon. At il forno you can buy bread, and at an alimentari, salumeria, or gastronomia you can buy cold cuts, cheese, wine, bread, mineral water, and other foods to put together a picnic in the piazza or back in your hotel room. For a glass or two of wine and a light meal or snack, go to an enoteca, or wine bar. Osterias are also wine bars, but more the blue-collar type.

An Italian caffe, or bar, is much more than a place to drink coffee or alcoholic beverages. Here you can eat breakfast, have a snack, buy a sandwich, make phone calls, use the toilet, read the newspaper, listen to or watch sporting events, meet your neighbor or lover, and argue over politics. If there is a black-and-white "T" (for tobacco) displayed outside, you can also buy cigarettes, matches, some toiletries, stamps, and bus tickets. No wonder there are more than five thousand such places in central Rome alone.

Source: Global Gourmet - Italy
Unpretentious eatery, often family run, usually having a limited, seasonal menu of local specialties.
Restaurant, Italy's top category of dining establishment, more upscale than a trattoria or osteria.
tavola calda
Snack bar, usually serving hot food.
Shop or eating place specializing in roast meats and poultry. Sometimes called girarrosto(*), in reference to the large spit that typifies such places.(*)Roasted on a spit.
pizza rustica
Abruzzese savory tart made with ricotta, mozzarella, prosciutto, mortadella(*) and seasonings. (*)Large pork sausage, originally from Bologna.
Pastry or pastry shop
A general term referring to food, i.e. negozio alimentare, grocery store.
generic term for salt-cured meats, such as salame, salsiccia, prosciutto, bresaola; salumeria shop where salumi are sold.
Gastronomy, also gourmet food or specialty store. A gastronomo or buongustaio is a gourmet, ghiottone glutton.
Literally "wine library," referring to both publicly sponsored displays and privately owned shops.
Simple tavern serving local wine and often food, though the name sometimes applies to fancier places.
Italian version of a coffee shop.
Source: ItalianMade.com



1. 形
chi だれ
che cosache何(の)
*quale, quanto 以外は無変化。

2. 代名詞・形容詞の働き
  1. chi〈人〉代名詞
    Chi ti ha detto?
    Chi cercate a quest'ora?
    A chi dovrò rivolgermi? だれのところにうかがったらよいでしょうか。
    Con chi vai alla discoteca?
  2. che cosa〈物〉代名詞 - 時に単独の cosa(または che)の口語形で
    Che cosa c'è dentro?
    Che cosa prende per secondo? メイン料理は何をあがりますか。
    Cosa hai detto? 君はどう言ったのか。
    Di che cosa si tratta? 何のことですか。
    che〈物〉の性質(または選択). 形容詞 - まれに人にも
    Che marca desidera? どの商標のものをお望みですか。
    In che lingua hanno tradotto "Le Vite" del Vasari?
  3. quale〈物・人〉の選択 - 数変化(単数 -le、複数 -li)
    Qual è il migliore cognac?
    Quali sono i loro progetti per il viaggio?
    Quale preferisce, il caffè o il tè?
    In quale del due alberghi abiterai? [以上、代名詞]
    In quali condizioni posso acquistarlo? どんな条件でそれを入手できますか。[形容詞]
  4. quanto〈物・人〉の数量 - 性・数変化(単数 -to, -ta、複数 -ti, -te)
    Quanti hanno partecipato alla gita turistica?[代名詞]
    Quanto vino hai preso? 君はどれほどぶどう酒を飲んだか。
    Quanto tempo dura questo film? [以上形容詞]
3. 副詞の働き
  1. dove [所]
    Dove si trova l'ufficio postale?
  2. quando [時」
    Quando hai saputo l'ora del mio arrivo?
  3. come [状態・方法]
    Come si chiama Lei?
    In qual modo ti hanno imbrogliato?
    *come の場合、in qual modo の形もある。
  4. quanto [数・量]
    Quanto mettiamo il riso nella pentola?
  5. perché [理由]
    Perché lei non è venuto al ricevimento?


Glossary of Menu Terms (Part 4)

crème caramel カスタードプリン
crostata(*) di mele アップルパイ
dolce(*2) ケーキ
frutta di stagione 季節の果物
gelato(*3) アイスクリーム
granita(*4) 氷菓子
macedonia di frutta = Fruit salad フルーツパンチ
sorbetto シャーベット
tiramisú ティラミス
torta(*5) ケーキ
torta al cioccolato チョコレートケーキ
torta di frutta フルーツケーキ
zuccotto 冷たいケーキ
zuppa inglese ラム酒に浸したケーキ

(*)Open-faced tart, either sweet or savory.
(*2)= Sweet; dolci cover pastries, cakes and other sweets of the course also known in Italian as dessert.
(*3)Frozen dessert, such as ice cream or sherbet, of wide-ranging flavors, chiefly fruit, nuts and chocolate.
(*4)Slushy gelato made by freezing liquid (often coffee or lemon juice) into crystals of grainy texture. It is sometimes topped with whipped cream.
(*5)Cake as well as tart or pie or focaccia, ranging over numerous sweets as well as torte salate, salty types with meat, cheese or vegetables.
Source: ItalianMade.com
Bel Paese(*) 柔らかいチーズ
caciocavallo(*2) < pasta filata;
gorgonzola(*3) ブルーチーズ
mozzarella(*4) < pasta filata;
parmigiano-reggiano(*5) パルメザンチーズ
pecorino(*6) 羊乳で作ったチーズ。塩味が強い、調味料として使われる。
ricotta(*7) 柔らかいチーズ
stracchino(*8) クリームのチーズ

(*)"Beautiful Country." A soft, mild Lombardian cow's milk cheese created in 1929 and named after a beloved children's book.
(*2)"Horse cheese." A firm buffalo or cow's milk cheese, so called because the globes of cheese resemble a horse's saddlebags. pasta filata = Cheese whose curds are stretched into strands then put in molds, as Mozzarella and Provolone.
(*3)Strong Lombardian blue-veined cow's milk cheese, made in and around the town of Gorgonzola.
(*4)Smooth, soft white cheese originally from milk of water buffalo (bufala), though cow’s milk fior di latte may also use the name. It is rubbery when fresh, eaten the same day. When older it is firmer, a good melting cheese for pizza and lasagna.
(*5)A famous Italian cheese made from cow's milk, it is shaped into huge wheels and aged to different stages. This grana is handcrafted with a process that has been the same for over 700 years; today, its area of production expands from Reggio Emilia, Parma, Modena, Bologna and Mantua.
(*6)A sharp hard cheese made from fresh ewe's(雌羊)milk.
(*7)Reheated, or "recooked" whey(乳清) molded into a soft, white mound that may be eaten fresh or used in pasta fillings, gnocchi and pastries, though it may also be salted and dried for grating; traditionally from milk of sheep or goats.
(*8)Any of a variety of northern Italian cheeses made from cow's milk mixed with milk of the night before.
Source: ItalianMade.com
(*9)A sharp, spicy, very aromatic cows' milk cheese, usually with a hard wax rind.

Pizza Napoletana(Neapolitan pizza) admits only three official variants:
  • Pizza marinara: with tomato, garlic, oregano and oil;
  • Pizza Margherita: tomato, sliced mozzarella, basil and oil;
  • Pizza Margherita Extra: tomato, buffalo mozzarella from Campania in fillets, basil and oil.
  • Lazio style: Pizza in Lazio (Rome), as well as in many other parts of Italy is available in 2 different "flavours":
    1) In take-away shops so-called "Pizza Rustica" or "Pizza a Taglio". Pizza is cooked in long, rectangular baking pans and relatively thick (1-2 cm). The crust similar to that of an English muffin and mostly cooked in an electric oven. When purchased, it is usually cut with scissors or knife and priced by weight.
    2) In Pizza Restaurants (Pizzerie), where it is served in a dish in its traditional round shape, it features a very thin crust compared to Neapolitan recipe. It is mostly cooked in a wood-fired oven which gives pizza its unique flavour and texture. In Rome a "Pizza Napoletana" is topped with tomato, mozzarella, anchovies and oil (thus, what in Naples is called "Pizza Romana", in Rome is called "Pizza Napoletana"). Strangely enough, there is no "Pizza Napoletana" in Naples and no "Pizza Romana" in Rome.
  • Pizza Romana (in Naples): tomato, mozzarella, anchovies, oregano, oil;
  • Pizza Viennese: tomato, mozzarella, German sausage, oregano, oil;
  • Pizza con Funghi e Prosciutto (Pizza with Ham and Mushrooms): tomato, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms;
  • Pizza Capricciosa ("Capricious Pizza"): mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, artichokes, cooked ham, olives, oil (in Rome raw ham is used and half a hard-boiled egg is added);
  • Pizza Quattro Stagioni ("Four Seasons Pizza"): same ingredients for the Capricciosa, but ingredients not mixed;
  • Pizza Quattro Formaggi ("Four Cheeses Pizza"): tomatoes, mozzarella, stracchino, fontina(*), gorgonzola (sometimes ricotta can be swapped for one of the last three);
  • Pizza alla siciliana (Sicilian-style Pizza) has its toppings baked directly into the crust. An authentic recipe uses neither cheese nor anchovies.
  • Pizza Bianca (White pizza) uses no tomato sauce, often substituting pesto or dairy products such as sour cream.
  • Ripieno or Calzone is a pizza in the form of a half moon, filled with ricotta, salami and mozzarella; it can be either fried or oven baked.
  • Source: Wikipedia

    (*)Soft unpasteurized cow's milk cheese, from Valle d'Aosta.

    Glossary of Menu Terms (Part 3)

    abbacchio(*) 仔牛のロースト
    arrosto(*2) di vitello ロースとビーフ
    bistecca ビーフステーキ
    bistecca alla fiorentina(*3) コショウ風味のステーキ
    brasato(*4) di manzo 牛肉の煮込み
    costata(*5) al prosciutto ハム、チーズなどを詰めた肉料理
    cotoletta alla milanese ミラノ風仔牛肉のカツレツ
    polenta(*6) e coniglio コーンとウサギ肉のシチュー
    pollo alla diavola(*7) 辛味のチキン料理
    pollo arrosto ローストチキン
    saltimbocca(*8) alla romana 生ハムを乗せた仔牛肉のソテー

    (*)A Roman term for baby lamb, usually slaughtered between 30 and 60 days. It is cooked on a spit or roasted, usually flavored with rosemary, and is a specialty of Easter dinner.
    (*2)= Roast, normally meat cooked in an oven or on a spit or grill.
    (*3)Beef steak (though the term also applies to veal or pork chop), the best known version being bistecca alla fiorentina, a very thick, well-aged T-bone (lombata) rubbed with olive oil and cooked over charcoal.
    (*4)Braised, usually beef cooked in red wine.
    (*5)Rib steak of beef or veal, also called tagliata.
    (*6)Cornmeal cooked slowly in water, milk or broth, then served as a porridge, side dish, or cooled and cut into firm squares, sometimes grilled, fried or sauced with tomato. There are many variations of this dish; mostly associated with winter and the cuisine of mountainous regions. Porridge-like pastes from buckwheat, farro or chestnut flour may also be called polenta.
    (*7)"Devil's style," referring to hot seasoning or cooking over red hot coals, as with grilled chicken called pollo alla diavola.
    (*8)"Leap in the mouth." Roman dish of veal scallopine layered with sage leaves and prosciutto, sautéed in butter and white wine or Marsala wine.
    Source: ItalianMade.com
    Pesci e Frutti di Mare
    anguilla alla veneziana ツナ・ソースのうなぎ料理
    baccalà alla vicentina 玉ねぎ・パセリを入れたタラの煮込み
    calamari ripieni 詰め物をしたいか料理
    fritto misto di pesce 魚のミックスフライ
    pesce alla griglia 魚のグリル
    pesce in carpione(*) レモンを添えた冷たい川魚料理
    sgombri(*2) in umido(*3) ワインで煮込んだ鯖
    stoccafisso(*4) タラの干物とトマト・オリーブを煮込んだもの
    zuppa di pesce 魚肉のスープ料理

    (*)A treatment for freshwater fish, particularly carp, trout, and eel. To prepare in carpione means frying the fish in olive oil, then marinating it with vinegar and aromatic vegetables for up to one week. Carpione is usually presented as an appetizer. Source
    (*2)Mackerel, a strong-flavored fish, often marinated and grilled.
    (*3)Technique referring to slow cooking in a small amount of liquid, as in brasato, spezzatino, stracotto or stufato.
    (*4)Stockfish(干物), cod or other wind dried on poles, also called pesce stocco or simply stocco or stocche; often synonymous with salt-cured baccalà(干だら).
    Source: ItalianMade.com
    Insalata(*), Verdura
    Insalata di frutta フルーツ・サラダ
    Insalata di frutti di mare シーフード・サラダ
    Insalata mista ミックス・サラダ
    Insalata paesana 田舎風サラダ
    Insalata di rinforzo(*2) ナポリ風サラダ
    Insalata russa ゆで野菜のマヨネーズ添え
    Insalata verde グリーンサラダ
    fave(*3) crude con pecorino ソラマメのペコリーノチーズ添え
    patate fritte フライドポテト
    spinaci al burro ほうれん草のバターソテー

    (*)Salad, which may or may not include greens. Popular examples are insalata mista (mixed), insalata verde (greens only); insalata russa (mixed cooked vegetables diced with mayonnaise). Insalata di mare is a mix of cold seafood.
    (*2)insalata di A salad prepared mainly in the southern half of Italy containing cauliflower, olives, pickled vegetables, anchovies, and other ingredients; the word rinforzo literally means "reinforcement."
    (*3)Fava beans(蚕豆), usually shelled and boiled or dried and reconstituted in water.
    Frittata(*) オムレツ
    frittata di formaggio チーズ・オムレツ
    frittata con pomodore e mozzarella(*2) トマトとチーズのオムレツ
    frittata primaverile 野菜入りオムレツ
    frittata di zucchini ズッキーニ入りのオムレツ

    (*)Eggs mixed with vegetables, meat or cheese and fried like a thick pancake on both sides (see omeletta).
    (*2)Smooth, soft white cheese originally from milk of water buffalo (bufala), though cow’s milk fior di latte may also use the name. It is rubbery when fresh, eaten the same day. When older it is firmer, a good melting cheese for pizza and lasagna.
    omeletta: Omelet, beaten eggs cooked thin and folded, often over a filling of vegetables, cheese, meat or fish; see frittata.
    Source: ItalianMade.com

    Glossary of Menu Terms (Part 2)

    acciuga, -ghe = anchovy アンチョビ
    caviale = caviar キャビア
    salmone affumicato スモーク・サーモン
    sardine all'olio = Sardines preserved in oil; fresh sardines are called sarde. いわしの油漬け
    prosciutto(*) ハム
    salame サラミ
    mortadella = Large pork sausage, originally from Bologna ボローニャ・ソーセージ
    oliva オリーブの実
    frutti di mare(*2) シーフードの盛り合わせ
    ostrica = Oysters 生牡蛎
    gamberetto(*3) 小エビのカクテル
    tonno マグロの油漬け
    coppa(*4) ベーコン
    uovo タマゴ
    carciofo, -i = artichoke アーティチョーク
    cetriolini sottaceto(*5) = cucumber pickles きゅうりの酢漬け
    prosciutto crudo con melone 生ハムのメロン添え
    insalata russa ゆで野菜のマヨネーズ添え

    (*)Ham, whether salt-cured crudo (raw), cotto (cooked) or affumicato (smoked). The making for this unique product is regulated by law and is produced throughout Italy. The term may also apply to a leg of wild boar (prosciutto di cinghiale), goat, goose or turkey. Prosciuttificio, production house for prosciutti.
    (*2)"Fruits of the sea," the general term for seafood, chiefly mollusks and crustaceans, raw or cooked.
    (*3)Name used for various crustaceans, cooked in every conceivable way, from boiled to fried, hot to cold. Gambero rosso and gambero imperiale or mazzancolla are large Mediterranean prawns, also called gamberoni; gamberelli are smaller prawns; gamberetti tiny shrimp; gamberi d'acqua dolce freshwater crayfish.
    (*4)Pressed, cooked, boneless pork neck. Also named capocollo in Souther Italy.
    (*5)Foods preserved in vinegar, generally vegetables or mushrooms, pickles.
    Source: ItalianMade.com
    Minestra(*) スープ
    busecca 野菜スープ
    brodo(*2) di manzo ミートスープ
    minestra di funghi きのこのスープ
    crema di legumi 野菜のクリームスープ
    crema di pomodori トマトスープ
    minestrone 野菜のごった煮
    pastina(*3) in brodo パスタスープ
    stracciatella(*4) 卵とチーズのスープ
    consomme コンソメスープ
    brodo di pollo チキンスープ
    zuppa(*5) di pesce = fish soup 魚のスープ

    (*)generic term for soup and also for first course (covering pasta, risotto, gnocchi, etc.); minestra in brodo broth with pasta or rice; minestrone hearty vegetable soup; minestrina light soup or broth; see also zuppa.
    (*2)Broth or stock from boiled meats, vegetables or fish.
    (*3)General term that refers to any tiny cut pasta cooked in soups.
    (*4)"Little rags." Chicken or beef soup with little egg-and-cheese dumplings passed through a sieve, making the egg mixture into little rag-like shreds.
    (*5)Soup, covering a range of vegetable, bean, meat and fish-based recipes, in theory thicker than a classical minestra, though the division isn't always clear; zuppa inglese custard cake soaked in sweet wine or liqueur.
    Source: ItalianMade.com
    Pastasciutta(*) パスタ類
    spaghetti(*2) スパゲッティ
    lasagna(*3) ラザーニャ
    fettuccine(*4) 紐皮うどん
    gnocchi(*5) スイトン
    spaghetti al pomodoro トマトソース・スパゲッティ(ナポリタン)
    spaghetti alle vongole あさりスパゲッティ
    spaghetti alla bolognese ミートソース・スパゲッティ
    lasagne al forno ミートソース・ラザーニャ
    risotto(*6) alla milanese サフラン風味の米料理
    maccheroni(*7) マカロニ
    cannelloni(*8) カネロニ
    ravioli(*9) 餃子
    risotto 米スープ

    (*)Cooked noodles served dry (asciutta), usually with sauce, as opposed to pasta in brodo, cooked in broth or soup; pastina small pasta used in soups; pastificio pasta factory.
    (*2)Long, thin strands of dried or fresh pasta, by far the most popular form in Italy. It is made both fresh and dried.
    (*3)A layered pasta dish baked, with fresh mozzarella, usually with a besciamella or tomato sauce. There are many varieties of this dish throughout Italy that reflect regional preferences and traditions.
    (*4)Long flat egg pasta strands, 3/8 inch wide.
    (*5)Dumplings from potato and flour or semolino, usually served dressed as a first course; gnocchi verdi are green from spinach mixed with ricotta; gnocchetti are smaller.
    (*6)A dish of creamy cooked, stubby rice (under names like Arborio and Canaroli) that absorbs a good quantity of broth to make it flavorful and tender. The classic risotto alla milanese is made with saffron and grana, but any number of ingredients, from beef glaze, mushrooms and tomatoes, are used to create regional varieties.
    (*7)Macaroni; in parts of southern Italy this is a generic term for dried pasta, though elsewhere it usually refers to short pasta tubes like rigatoni and ziti.
    (*8)Pasta tubes, similar to manicotti, stuffed with meat and cheese. They take a variety of sauces like tomato or pesto.
    (*9)Square pasta shapes (sometimes ridged) enclosing any of a wide variety of ingredients, most commonly ricotta and spinach.
    Source: ItalianMade.com

    How To Eat Italian-Style

    • A good waiter should explain the dishes on the menu and help you select the wine. But if you order coffee or tea during the meal, ask for the ketchup, bottle, or request a doggie bag... watch out, you will be in big trouble.
    • Cocktails before dinner are not popular and are associated negatively with Americans and the three-martini lunch. However, an aperitif, such as a flute of sparkling wine to sip as you are deciding what to order, is often served.
    • You do not have to order all of the courses in an Italian meal, but you will be expected to have more than a pasta and salad in a nice place. When you add the cover and service charges, fine dining will not be a Cheap Eat. If you want a true Cheap Eat, go to a cafeteria, snack bar, or dine al fresco with a picnic you have put together yourself.
    • A guiding principle in Italian dining is that you eat one food at a time and that every food has its place. If you order a light supper of pasta and salad at an informal trattoria, you will be served the pasta first and the salad after. If you want to start your meal with a salad, the key word is "come", as in "come antipasto, vorrei un insalata mista" (as an antipasto, I would like a mixed salad), or "come secondo, vorrei un contorno" (as a second course, I would like a vegetable).
    • If the waiter does not bring the Parmesan cheese, it probably does not go with what you are eating. Parmesan is never used on pasta with fish or lots of garlic, but it is offered with many types of soup.
    • Bread is served with all Italian meals and is part of the pane e coperto charge. Butter is seldom served except with breakfast.
    • The container of olive oil on the table is for more than sprinkling on your salad. A plain broiled or grilled fish is enhanced with a few drops of olio, and maybe some lemon.
    • Don't order fish on Sunday, when the markets are closed: the fish will be at least one day old. In Venice, extend this to Monday, since the Rialto Fish market is closed that day as well.
    • Coffee is served after a meal, never with it.
    • Most places do not require men to wear a tie, but Italians do dress with casual elegance when they eat out, and they do not consider athletic shoes of any type to be acceptable with street clothes.
    • Solo diners may be relegated to poor table locations. To avoid this as much as possible, reserve a table for two. Upon arrival, say your dining companion had to cancel at the last minute, and tell the waiter how sad this makes you. It usually works.
    From: Cheap Eats in Italy by Sandra A. Gustafson

    Global Gourmet - Italy


    L'Alfabeto (The Alphabet)

    L'Alfabeto (The Alphabet)

    Occasionally, you may wish to spell your name when making a restaurant reservation or perhaps write down the spelling of an Italian word or name spoken to you. The table below indicates how to pronounce each letter name and gives the standard associated word used for clarification.

    a ah Ancona
    b bee Bologna
    c chee Como
    d dee Domodossola
    e eh Empoli
    f EHF-feh Firenze
    g djee Genova
    h AHK-kah hotel
    i ee Imoia
    j ee LOON-gah Jersey
    k KAHP-pah Kursaal
    l EHL-leh Livorno
    m EHM-meh Milano
    n EHN-neh Napoli
    o oh Otranto
    p pee Padova
    q koo Quarto
    r EHR-reh Roma
    s EHS-seh Savona
    t tee Taranto
    u oo Udine
    v vee Venezia
    w DOHP-pyah-voo Washington
    x eeks Xeres
    y EEPS-ee-lohn yacht
    z TZEH-tah Zara



    Glossary of Menu Terms: A-Cu

    (A) (B) (C) (ca)(ce)(chi)(ci)(co)(cre, cro, cru) (cu)(D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M)(ma)(mi) (N) (O) (P) (pa)(pe)(po)(Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)

    Abbacchio *alla Romana Baby Lamb Roman Style, 草を食べていない、乳だけで育った子羊
    acciughe, alici anchovies
    Aceto Vinegar 酢 (sott'aceto 酢漬け)
    Aceto Dolce Italian pickles
    affettato, -iA selection of cold cuts or cold meats often served as an antipasto
    Affumicato (< affumicare) Smoked, いぶす、燻製にする
    Aglio Garlic にんにく
    Aglio e olio Garlic & oil dressing
    Agnello Lamb, 子羊、子羊肉
    agrodolce sweet and sour
    ai ferri 網焼きにした
    al sangue; a puntino; ben cotto 生の(ステーキ);中くらいに焼いた;良く焼いた
    albicocche apricots 杏
    Alici Anchovies, アンチョビー、片口いわし、ひこいわし
    aliotide あわび
    alla graticola 直火焼きにした(ロースト)
    alla griglia グリルした
    all'agro with olive oil and lemon juice
    allodola lark
    alloro ローリエ(月桂樹の葉)
    amaro 苦味のある食後酒
    Amoretti, *Amaretti Almond biscuits
    Amoretto Almond liqueur
    ananasso pineappleパイナップル
    Anatra Duck, 鴨、あひる;anatra selvatica
    anatrino 小鴨
    anguilla eel うなぎ
    anice アニス
    animelle sweetbreads
    Anisette Aniseed liqueur
    anitra mallard
    antipasto appetizer
    appetito appetite
    arachide ピーナッツ
    aragosta lobster 伊勢海老
    arance (arancia) oranges オレンジ
    arancine rice balls
    *arancini Deep-fried rice balls from Sicily, also popular in Naples and Rome.
    aringa(aringhe) herring にしん
    Arista Roast loin of pork
    Arrosto (< arrostire) Roasted ローストにした
    Asparagi, -o Asparagus アスパラガス
    *Asparagus Frittata Asparagus Omelet
    astice オマールえび
    baba ババ(パンケーキにシロップをしみこませたデザート)
    baccala codfish
    bagna cauda バーニャカウダ(にんにく、アンチョビ、オリーブ油で作る温かいソース。イタリア北部ピエモンテ州発祥のソース。温かいお風呂という意味)
    banana バナナ
    barbabietole(-a) red beets
    bardana ごぼう
    basilico basil
    beccaccia woodcock
    beccafico warbler
    Bel Paese Creamy, mild cheese (Proprietory brand), *a variety of well-known mild, soft, pale yellow cheeses from Lombardy
    biancomangiare ブランマンジェ
    bicchiere glass
    bieta フダンソウ(ビーツの仲間で、ビーツが根を食べるのに対して、こちらは、葉のほうを食用とする)
    biscotto ビスケット
    Bistecca Steak
    Bocconcini Small balls of mozzarella
    Bollito (< bollire) Boiled; manzo bollito: ゆでた牛肉
    Bologna Large smoked sausage of veal, pork and seasoning from Bologna; Bolony, Polony
    Bolognese, alla bolognese, al ragu tomato sauce with meat
    Rich meat sauce for pasta from Bologna, *alla Outside Bologna, and especially outside Italy, the term refers to a meat sauce for pasta. (In Bologna, it's known simply as "ragú.")
    bottarga fish roe
    bottiglia bottle
    brace, alla charcoal cooked
    Braciola Chops
    braciole rib steak
    brandy ブランデー
    branzino seabass
    brasato 揚げ煮した
    Bresaola Dried fillet of beef
    brindare, fare un brindisi to make a toast
    brindisi toast
    broccolo ブロッコリ
    Brodetto A fish soup
    brodo broth(スープ、ブイヨン)
    bucatini ブカティーニ(穴の開いた細いロングパスタ)
    buon appetito enjoy
    buongustaio gourmet
    burro butter バター
    al burro バターを使った
    Cabernet Sauvignon  
    cabolo キャベツ
    cacciagione game
    Cacciatore *alla Literally "hunter-style"; alludes to the varying methods of stewing lamb, chicken, veal, and rabbit. Northern ingredients typically include tomatoes, while those of central and southern Italy predominantly use rosemary, garlic, and vinegar.
    Cacio-cavallo Cheese made from skimmed cows milk
    caciocavallo カチョカッヴァロチーズ(南イタリアで作られている、ヒョウタン形のセミハードタイプのチーズ)
    cachi かき
    caffè コーヒー
    caffè espreso エスプレッソ
    caffè freddo アイスコーヒー
    caffè latte ミルクコーヒー
    caffè nero ブラックコーヒー
    cognac コニャック
    calamari(-o) squid いか
    calamari ripieni ヤリイカの詰め物
    Caldo Hot
    cameriera waitress
    cameriere waiter
    camoscio, daino deer
    Canestrelli Scallops
    cannella シナモン(肉桂)
    Cannelloni Large pasta tubes, stuffed and served with tomato and cheese sauce カネローニ(太い管状のパスタ。中に詰め物をして使われる)
    capasanta(capasante) ホタテ
    capellini 棒状の極細ロングパスタ
    Capesante Scallops
    caponata 小さく切って揚げたナスと、玉ねぎやセロリ、トマトと一緒に煮込んだ料理。シチリア発祥
    capone ホウボウ
    capperi(-o) capers(ケッパー)
    cappone capon
    cappuccino カプチーノ
    capra ヤギ肉
    caprese カプレーゼ(トマト、モッツァレラ、バジルで作ったサラダ
    *caprese (adj.) literally "of Capri"; mozzarella and tomato salad with basil
    capretto baby goat
    caprino カプリーノチーズ
    capriolo roebuck
    caraffa caraff
    Carbonara, alla Cream and Ham sauce, *Pasta (generally spaghetti) with egg yolks, bacon (guanciale), pecorino romano or (less traditionally) Parmesan cheese, and black pepper.Pasta with eggs, pancetta and parmesan
    Carciofi, -o Artichokes アーティチョーク、朝鮮あざみ
    cardamomo カルダモン
    cardarello 平茸
    cardi cardoons
    carne meat
    carne bovina 牛肉
    carne di vitello 仔牛肉
    carne suina 豚肉
    carota 人参
    carote(-a) carrots
    carpa carp 鯉
    Carpaccio Raw red beef, カルパッチョ
    cartoccio, al cartoccio 紙で包んで焼いた料理 (~の紙包み焼き)
    carvi キャラウェイ(さわやかな甘さとほろ苦さがある。ドイツやオーストラリア料理煮よく用いられ、ザワークラウトには欠かせない)
    Casalinga Home-made
    casareccio 円形の大きなパン Cassata Fruit & nut ice cream
    castagne chestnuts
    castrato mutton
    cavallo, viande de chaval 馬、馬肉
    caviale caviar
    Cavolfiori, -e Cauliflower カリフラワー
    Cavolo Cabbage, キャベツ
    cavolo cinese 白菜
    cavolo di Brusselles 芽キャベツ
    ceci(-e) garbanzo beans(エジプト豆)
    cefalo gray mullet
    cena dinner
    cervella(cervello) brains 脳みそ
    cervo large deer 鹿
    Cetrioli Cucumber, きゅうり
    cetriolino コルニション(小型のきゅうり)
    cetriolo cucumber きゅうり
    Chiocciole Shell-shaped pasta
    chiocciole, lumache snails
    chiodi di garofano クローブ(つぼみを乾燥させたものをそのままポークハムや、丸ごとに肉に刺して料理したり、パウダーはシチューや焼き菓子に用いられる)
    cicoria wild chicory チコリ
    ciliegie(-a) cherries さくらんぼ
    cinghiale wild boar(猪)
    cioccolata チョコレート
    cipolina シブレット(浅葱のようなもの)
    cipolla onion 玉ねぎ
    Cipolle Onions, 玉葱、オニオン
    cocomero watermelon スイカ
    coda di rispo angler fish
    colazione breakfast
    coltello knife
    conchiglie コンキリエ(貝の形をしたショートパスタ)
    condiment ドレッシング
    coniglio (conigli) rabbit うさぎ
    contorno side dish(付け合せ)
    coperto fee for linen
    coriandolo コリアンダー
    cornetto クロワッサン
    cotechino large sausage
    Coda alla vaccinara Oxtail, 尾、しっぽ
    Condito (<- condire> Dressed
    Coniglio Rabbit, うさぎ
    Contorno Garnish
    Coppa Salt-cured, sweet & fragrant neck pork from northern Italy
    Costoletta Cutlets
    Cotechino Large pork sausagesCutlets
    Cotto Cooked
    cozza ムール貝
    Cozze Mussels ムール貝
    cozze fritte ムール貝の揚げ物
    zuppa di cozze al pomodoro ムール貝のトマト味スープ
    cozze, muscoli, mitili, peoci mussels
    (cre, cro, cru)  
    crema cream(生クリーム)
    crescione クレソン
    crocchette(-a) croquettes
    Crostini Toasted bread pieces バタートースト
    crostino クロスティーニ
    Crudo Raw
    cucchiaio spoon
    Cucina Kitchen
    cumino カレーやチリパウダーの重要成分。パンの風味付けやミートローフ、シチューなどの肉料理、ピクルスやソーセージなどにもよく合う
    cuore 心臓
    curcuma ターメリック(ウコン)

    Source: Italian Food: Glossary of Menu Terms

    Glossary of Menu Terms: D-O

    (A) (B) (C) (ca)(ce)(chi)(ci)(co)(cre, cro, cru) (cu)(D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M)(ma)(mi) (N) (O) (P) (pa)(pe)(po)(Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)

    datteri dates
    decorare 飾り付ける
    delizioso delicious
    della casa, specialita specialty
    dentice bream, toothed gilthead
    Diavola 'Devilled'; with a spicy sauce
    diavola, alla broiled
    Dolce Desserts, ケーキ
    Dolcelatte Invented in 1967 by Egidio Galbani: a smooth, creamy cheese with blue-green veins
    dragoncello エストラゴン
    echino うに
    erba ハーブ(香草の総称)
    espresso エスプレッソ
    Faglioli Beans インゲン豆
    fagliolini(-o) string beans(インゲン豆)
    Faglioni verdi French beans, green beans
    far venire l'acquolina in bocca to make one's mouth watering
    faraona guinea fowl(ホロホロ鳥)
    Farcito (< farcire) Stuffed
    farfalle ファルファーレ(蝶の形をした乾燥パスタ)
    farina 小麦粉
    Fave Broad beans, fava beans(ソラマメ)
    Fegato Liver, 肝臓、レバー
    fegato d'oca フォアグラ
    ferri, ai grilled(網焼き), bistecca ai ferri
    Fettucini Broad, flat noodles, フェットゥッチーネ
    fichi(-co) figs
    Filante Soft processed cheese
    filetto filet
    finocchio fennelフェンネル(茎は野菜として、葉は香草として、種はスパイスとして用いられる)
    * Fiolentina, alla  
    Focaccia Puffy yeast bread baked in a pan. It may be topped or flavored with a variety of herbs like onion, fennel, or rosemary.
    fondo フォン(だし汁)
    fondo bianco 白いだし汁
    fondo bruno 褐色のだし汁
    Fonduta Made with Fontina cheese and truffles
    fontina フォンティーナ(ヴァレ・ダオスタ地方産の軟質チーズ)
    forchetta fork
    formaggio cheese(チーズの総称)
    frutti di mare, ai with shellfish
    forno, al baked, oven-baked
    Fragole Strawberries, いちご
    Freddo Cold
    Fresco Cool, fresh
    frittata beaten eggs with stuffing
    frittelle fritters
    Fritto Deep fried, 油で揚げた、フライにした
    Fritto misto Deep-fried mixed collation
    Fritto misto di mare Deep-fried mixed seafood
    fumet 燻製
    Funghi, fungo Mushrooms
    Fusili, *Fusilli Pasta twists, フジリ(らせん状の乾燥パスタ)
    gallina chicken
    gallinaccio シャントルレ(ジロル茸の一種。鶏やウサギなど白身の肉、魚・内臓・タマゴ料理によくあう。
    Gamberelli Prawns
    Gamberetti, -o Shrimps 小エビ
    gamberi(-o) shrimps (エビの総称)、車えび
    gambero d’acqua dolce ザリガニ
    gelatina aspic
    *Gelato ice cream
    ghiaccio ice
    girello roast
    glano saraceno 蕎麦
    Gnocchi Semolina or potato flour dumplings, ニョッキ(小麦粉、硬質小麦粉などにかぼちゃ、ジャガイモなどを混ぜ団子状にして茹で、各種ソースをかけたもの)
    goloso sweet tooth
    Gorgonzola A very strong blue cheese from the town of the same name near Milan, ゴルゴンゾーラ(北イタリアの同名の村で作られている。マイルドなタイプの「ドルチェ」と、辛味のある「ピカンテ」がある)。世界三大チーズのひとつ
    Grana Padano Granular, hard white cheese from northern Italy
    Granchio Crab (かにの総称)
    Granita Flavoured, granular ice
    granturco(granturchi) トウモロコシ(スープにしたり、付け合せにしたりする)
    Grasso Fat
    graticola, alla 直火焼きにした
    griglia, alla grilled, 網焼き
    Grissini Breadsticks
    grongo, gronghe 穴子
    guratino グラタンにした
    *Hazelnut Biscotti Hazelnut Dipping Cookies
    Il Secondo Main course
    indivia endive(アンディーブ)
    indivia belga チコリ(一般的に生で食べるほかに、バターソテーして付け合せに使う)
    Insalata Salad
    Integrale Wholemeal
    interiora 内臓
    involtini stuffed and rolled beef
    Jerez シェリー酒
    Lasagne Flat sheets of pasta, used to form a layered 'pasta pie', ラザニア
    Lasagne al Forno Baked pasta dish with meat and bechamel sauce
    lasagne alla bologna ボローニャ風ラザニア
    latte 牛乳
    latte di pesce 白子(魚の精巣)
    lattuga レタス
    legare つなぐ(ソースにとろみをつけたりすること)
    legume 豆類(総称)
    lenticchie(-a) lentils レンズ豆
    licci ライチ
    limetta ライム
    Limone Lemon
    limone, al レモンを使った。レモン風味
    lingua tongue
    Linguine Narrow, flat ribbon pasta, リングイーネ(断面が楕円形のロングパスタ)
    liquore リキュール
    lista dei vini wine list
    lupporo ホップ(ビールの苦味の成分)
    lombata loin
    luccio di mare カマス
    lumaca(lumache) エスカルゴ、カタツムリ
    Magro Lean
    Manzo Beef, 去勢した雄牛、成牛の肉
    *marinara, alla "Sailor-style"with seafood, *typically tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, olives, parsley, oregano, basil, and capers are used.
    Marsala A sweet white wine, マルサーラワイン
    Marscapone Buttery cream cheese from Milan. Used extensively in desserts and with fruit
    Melanzane Aubergines, なす
    maccarello, sgombro mackerel
    macedonia fruit salad(果物をさいの目に切り、シロップやリキュールに漬けたデザート)
    maddalena マドレーヌ
    maggiorana マジョラム(イタリア料理の香り付けによく使われ、ソーセージ、野菜料理、肉料理に用いられる)
    magro lean
    maiale pork
    maionese mayonnaise
    maizena コーンスターチ
    mancia tipping
    mandarino みかん
    mandorle(-a) almonds
    mango マンゴ
    manta ミント
    marinara, alla tomato sauce, garlic and parsley
    marinato marinated(マリネした、漬け込んだ)
    mascarpone マスカルポーネ(チーズを作った後に出来る上澄み液(乳清)を沸かして、熱凝固したたんぱく質をすくいとって作ったチーズ)
    mazzancolle large prawns
    mazzetto guarnito ブーケガルニ
    mela apple
    melanzane(-a) eggplants
    melone melon
    prosciutto e melone 生ハムメロン
    menu menu
    menu turistico tourist menu
    merluzzo codfish, morue(塩漬けのタラ)
    messicano メキシコの
    alla messicana メキシコ風
    Minestra The term for thick soup
    Minestrone Vegetable and pasta soup
    Misto Mixture
    midollo 骨髄
    miele 蜂蜜
    minestra, zuppa soup
    minestorone ミネストローネ(パスタ、または米が入った野菜スープ)
    milanese ミラノの
    alla milanese "Milan style." ミラノ風
    alla milanese, Costoletta 薄切りの子牛ロース肉にパン粉をつけてバターであげたカツ
    misto mixed(fritto misto, ミックスフライ)
    Monte Bianco A sweet consisting of chestnut purée, cream and Strega
    Mortadella Large, smooth textured pork sausage made with fats and spices
    mortadella baloney sausage
    mostarda, senape mustard
    mozzarella モッツァレラ
    Mozzarella Creamy, rubbery cheese traditionally made from water buffalo milk
    mugnaia ムニエル
    mugnaia, alla ムニエル
    nocciola ヘーゼルナッツ(ハシバミの実)
    noce moscata ナツメグ
    noci(noche) walnuts(胡桃)(木の実の総称)
    Nodini Veal chops
    Oca Goose, ガチョウ
    Olio, Olio d'oliva, *Olio extra vergine d'oliva del Chianti Oil, olive oil
    origano オレガノ
    orzo 大麦
    Osso Bucco, *Ossobuco Knuckle of veal, sautéed, then stewed with garlic, onion and tomato
    osteria 居酒屋
    Ostriche, ostrica Oysters 牡蠣/td>
    ovolo タマゴ茸

    Source: Italian Food: Glossary of Menu Terms

    Glossary of Menu Terms: P-Z

    (A) (B) (C) (ca)(ce)(chi)(ci)(co)(cre, cro, cru) (cu)(D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M)(ma)(mi) (N) (O) (P) (pa)(pe)(po)(Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)

    pagro 真鯛
    panato, impanato alla milanese breaded
    Pancetta Bacon ペーコン、豚のバラ肉
    pane bread
    pane all'uva 葡萄入りパン
    pane toasto トースト
    pangrattato パン粉(パンを細かく粉砕したもの。食材につけて揚げる)
    panino ロールパン
    panna 生クリーム
    Panna, *Panna cotta Cream
    Pannetone Cake-like bread. A Christmas speciality from Milan
    papaia パパイヤ
    Parmagiano Parmesan cheese
    Parmesan Hard, granular, golden cheese from Parma
    parmigiana, alla パルマ風。パルメザンチーズを使う料理の多くに使われている
    parmigiano パルマの
    parmigiano reggiano パルメザンチーズ(パルマ、レッジョ・エミリア、モデナ、マントヴァ、ボローニャのみで生産される硬質チーズ。うまみ成分のアミノ酸の結晶があり、ジャリジャリとした食感である)
    passato di verdura pureed vegetables
    Pasta Durum paste or egg flour dough, shaped, boiled and served with sauce
    *Pasta alla Campidanese Pasta with Sausage
    *Pasta Carbonara Pasta in Rich Sauce
    *Pasta e Fagioli Pasta and Bean Soup
    patate, -a potatoes じゃがいも
    Pecorino Hard, granular cheese made from sheep's milk, ペコリーノチーズ(羊乳のチーズのことを、イタリアではペコリーノという)
    penne ペンネ(ペンの先の形をした乾燥パスタ)
    penne all'arrabuata トマトソースに唐辛子を入れて作ったペンネ料理
    pepe pepper こしょう
    peperoncino hot pepper(唐辛子)
    peperoni(-e) bell peppers
    pere, -a pears 洋梨
    pesca peach 桃
    pesca Melba ピーチメルバ。アイスクリームの上にキルシュなどで煮た桃をのせ、木苺のジャムとあわ立てた生クリームをのせたデザート
    pesce, -i fish(魚の総称)
    pesce spada swordfish(メカジキ)
    Pesto Basil, garlic, cheese and pine nut paste
    pesto genovese ジェノヴァペースト(バジル、松の実、ニンニク、エキストラバージンオリーブ油で作るソース)
    pettine 帆立貝
    Petto di pollo Breast of chicken
    piatti del giorno main dishes
    Piatto Plate
    piccante(salato) 辛い(塩辛い)
    Piccione Pigeon, ハト
    pinoli(-o) pine nuts(松の実)
    piselli(-o) peas(グリーンピース)
    pistacchio ピスタチオ
    Pizza Bread-based open pie. Originally from the Naples area, where it is still sold by the metre
    Pizzaiola Tomato and herb sauce - similar to that used on pizza topping
    alla pizzaiola tomato sauce olive oil, garlic, oregano
    Polenta Corn meal paste. Usually served in a solid cake form, sliced or shaped, then grilled or fried, *Cornmeal Bread, ポレンタ(トウモロコシの粉に水を加えて火にかけて練りあげたもの。そのまま食べたり、冷やし固めて焼いたり、揚げたりして食す。
    Polipi Octopus
    pollastro 雛鳥、若鶏
    pollo chicken 鶏肉
    pollo alla griglia グリルドチキン
    pollo allo spiedo ニワトリの串焼き
    pollo arrosto ローストチキン
    Pollo Sorpresa Rolled breast of chicken, filled with garlic butter, covered in breadcrumbs and deep-fried
    pollo, spezzatino di ぶつ切りにしたニワトリの煮込み
    polpette meat balls
    polpettone meat loaf
    polpo, polipo octopus たこ
    polpo affogato (タコをオリーブ油、トマト、ニンニク、赤唐辛子などで煮込んだ料理)
    Pomidori Tomatoes
    pomodoro トマト
    pompelmo grapefruit グレープフルーツ
    Porchetta Suckling pig
    porcino Italian cêpes (funghi), 赤身肉やタマゴ料理と相性がよい。クリーム煮にしたりする
    porri(-o) leaks 長ねぎ
    posate silverware
    *Potato Gnocchi Potato Pasta
    pranzo lunch
    preparazione 下ごしらえ
    prezzemolo parsley パセリ
    prezzo fisso prix fix
    Prosciutto Delicately cured ham, 生ハム. The most famous are Parma and San Danielle
    Provolone 'Pasta filata' cheese from southern Italy with a sharp aftertaste
    prugna プラム
    puntino, a 中くらいに焼いた(ステーキ)
    quaglie(-a) quails(鶉)
    *ragú Meat sauce used with pasta or polenta; sometimes refers in spoken language to other hearty sauces.
    ragu, al, alla bolognese tomato sauce with meat
    rapa かぶ
    ravanello はつか大根
    Ravioli Stuffed pasta pillows, *small stuffed pasta prepared in a variety of ways, but most traditionally filled with ricotta (with or without greens) reginelle (pl.) pasta strips with curly edges
    riccio di mare うに
    Ricotta A creamy whey cheese, リコッタチーズ
    Rigatoni Long, ribbed tubes of pasta, マカロニより太い、筋のついた短い管状パスタ
    Ripieno Ripe, stuffed
    Risotto Rice dish
    *Risotto al Funghi Creamy Mushroom Rice
    Rognoni Kidneys
    rombo ひらめ
    Rosolio Bright red liqueur
    Rotolo Roll
    Rustico Country-style
    radicchio(radicchi) トレビオ(ヨーロッパ原産の、チコリの変種。芯が白く、葉はワインレッドである。種類として、キャベツ状で赤みの強い「ベローナレッド」、不結球の「トレビゾレッド」などがある)
    rafano 西洋わさび
    ragaglie di pollo chicken giblets
    rana pescatorice あんこう
    rane(-a), cosce di rana frogs, カエルのモモ肉
    rape(-a) turnips
    ravanelli radishes
    ravioli ラビオリ(詰め物をした四角いパスタ)
    ribes スグリ
    ribes nero カシス(お菓子に用いる)
    ricci sea urchins
    ricotta リコッタ(チーズを作る際にでる、乳清を用いて作るフレッシュタイプのチーズ)
    ripieno 詰め物にした
    riso rice
    ristorante レストラン
    robiola ロビオーラ(イタリア北部で生産される軟質チーズの一種)
    rognone kidneys(腎臓)
    rombo turbot(ひらめ)
    rosmarino ローズマリー
    ruchetta ロケット菜(ゴマに似た風味と、クレソンに似た辛味がある)
    rucola ルコラ(ゴマの風味)
    Salami A cured sausage, サラミソーセージ
    salame salami
    sale salt 塩
    sale, al 塩焼き
    salmone salmon 鮭
    salmoriglio サルモッリッリオソース( レモン汁、エクストラヴァージンオリーブ油、オレガノ、塩を湯煎にかけあわ立てたソース。シチリア地方のソース)
    salsa sauce ソース
    salsa al burro バターソース
    salsa alla bolognese ボローニャソース
    salsa alla crema クリームソース
    salsa besciamella ベシャメルソース
    salsa di pomodoro トマトソース
    salsa di soia 醤油
    salsa olandese オランデーズソース
    salsa verde イタリアンパセリ、ケーパー、オリーブ油で作るソース
    salsicce, -a sausage ソーセージ
    saltimbocca alla Romana サルティンボッカアッラロマーナ (牛肉をたたき伸ばし、セージの葉とともに生ハムで巻いて焼いた、イタリアのローマの名物料理)
    salvia セージ
    Saltimbocca 'Jumpo in the mouth'. Veal with ham and sage
    Salume Salt pork, 塩漬け肉、主に豚肉の加工品
    sampietro マトダイ
    sangue, al 生の(ステーキ)
    Saor Soused
    Sarde Sardines
    sardine, -a sardines いわし
    Savoiardi Sponge biscuit fingers
    scalogno エシャロット
    Scaloppine Escalopes
    scamorza スカモルツァ(かまぼこのような食感を持つ、モッツァレラに似たチーズ) scampi prawns
    scampo ラングスティーヌ
    scarola escarole
    sciroppo シロップ
    Secco Dry
    Sedano Celery セロリ
    semola セモリナ
    seppie cuttlefish
    serfoglio セルフィーユ
    servizio compreso service included
    servizio non compreso service not included
    sesamo ゴマ
    *Shrimp alla Griglia Shrimp in Garlic Butter
    sidro シードル(りんごの酒)
    soffritto A base for soups made from fried vegetables, ソフリット(玉ねぎ、ニンジン、セロリを弱火でじっくり炒め、うまみを引き出したもの)、軽く揚げた
    sogliola sole 舌平目
    sogliola alla mugnaia 舌平目のムニエル
    soia 大豆
    sottaceti pickled vegetables
    *Spaghetti alla puttanesca Spaghetti With Olives And Capers
    spalmare 塗る
    Speck Boned and smoked ham
    spezie スパイス(香辛料の総称)
    spezzatino stew
    spiedo, allo skewered
    spigola スズキ(鱸)
    spinaci(spinacio) spinach ほうれん草
    spirito, sotto spirito アルコール、アルコール漬けの
    spremuta di limone レモンジュース
    spumante sparkling wine
    squisito excellent
    storione sturgeon
    Stracchino Pale yellow goat's milk cheese
    Stracciatella A clear chicken soup, egg, flour parmesan broth, かき玉風のコンソメスープ
    stufano シチュー(煮込み料理)
    Sugo Sauce, 野菜や果物の汁、果汁、肉汁、ソース
    Tacchino Turkey, 七面鳥
    Tagliatelli Ribbon noodles. Said to have been created to celebrate the famous golden locks of Lucretia Borgia
    Taglierini Thin ribbon noodles, *a thinner version of tagliatelle.
    Taleggio Cows' milk cheese from northern Italy
    Tavola Table
    *Tiramisú Mocha Ladyfinger Cake
    Tonnato Creamy tuna and anchovy sauce
    Tonno Tuna まぐろ
    *Torta di Ricotta Ricotta Cheesecake
    Tortellini Stuffed pasta, supposedly made in the shape of Venus' navel 手打ちパスタにミンチした肉類を詰め、小さなリング状にしたパスタ
    Tortelloni Larger tortellini
    Tortoni A liqueur ice crean
    Tournedos Fillet of beef
    Tritato Minced
    trota trout 鱒
    tacchino turkey 七面鳥
    tagliatelle タリアッテッレ(幅4mmほどの、平うちパスタ)
    taleggio タレッジョ(軟質チーズの一種で、原産地はロンバルディア州ベルガモのタレッジョ渓谷)
    tartufi(-o) truffles(トリフ)
    tavolo table
    terrina テリーヌ(テリーヌ型を用いて、材料をゼラチンで固めたり、魚介類のすり身などを蒸して固めたりして作った料理)
    timo タイム
    tonno tuna(マグロ)
    tordo ツグミ
    torrone ヌガー
    torta タルト
    torta margherita スポンジ(ケーキに用いる)
    tovagliolo napkins
    triglie red mullets
    trippa tripe(牛の胃。蜂の巣状態になっている)
    trota trout(trotilla,小さなマス)
    Uova Eggs
    umido(in umido) 煮込み(で煮込んだ)
    uova eggs
    uova affogate ポーチドエッグ
    uova sode hard boiled eggs
    uova strapazzate scrambled eggs
    uva grapes 葡萄
    valerianella マーシュ
    vaniglia バニラ
    Veal or Beef Olives Slices of meat, beaten until wafer thin, then rolled around a stuffing, served with a brown sauce
    *Veal Scaloppine Veal Scallops with Tomatoes and Basil
    Verde Green
    verdura 野菜の総称
    Vermicelli Literally, 'little worms'. Small spaghetti-like pasta used for soups
    *Vin Santo Sorbet Italian Wine Sherbet
    vino ワイン
    vino bianco 白ワイン
    vino rosso 赤ワイン
    al vino ワインを使った
    pollo al vino rosso ニワトリの赤ワインソース煮
    Vitello Veal, 1歳半までの子牛、子牛の肉
    vongole(-a), alle ~vongola clams アサリの一種
    yogurt ヨーグルト
    Zabaione Marsala, sugar and egg, whisked into a creamy dessert, サバイヨン(卵黄、砂糖、マルサーラワインでつかう)
    zafferano サフラン
    zenzero ショウガ
    zucca かぼちゃ
    zucchero 砂糖
    zucchine(-o) ズッキーニ
    *Zucchini Ripiene al Prosciutto Stuffed Zucchini
    zuppa ズッパ(野菜や魚など原型をとどめているスープ)

    Source: Italian Food: Glossary of Menu Terms


    Sample Menu Collection

    Antipasto (Appetizer, 前菜)
    Bruschetta ClassicaToasted Garlic Bread
    Bruschetta al PomodoroToasted Bread with Tomatoes
    Suppli Fried Rice Balls
    Pate di Fegatini Chicken Liver Pate
    Insalata di Arance e Finocchi Orange and Fennel Salad
    Caponata Sicilian Eggplant
    Caprese Tomatoes and Mozzarella Salad
    Pizzelle Fritte Fried Pizza
    Spuma di Carciofi Artichokes Mousse
    Bignè alla Crema di Salmone Puff Pastries Filled with Salmon Cream
    prosciutto e melone/fichi 生ハムとメロン/イチジク
    antipasto misto 前菜の盛り合わせ
    insalata di mare ゆでた魚介類をオリーブ油・レモン汁であえたサラダ
    salmone e crostini スモークサーモンのバタートースト添え
    coktail di gamberetti 小エビのカクテル
    antipasto arrostito お好みの前菜盛り合わせ
    cozze e vongole alla marinara ムール貝とアサリのトマト風味

    Primo Piatto (Main Course, 第一皿)
    (Zuppa e minestrone, Soups) 
    Pasta e Fagioli Beans Soup
    Zuppa d' Orzo Barley Soup
    Pasta e Broccoli Cauliflowers Soup
    Stracciatella Roman Style Egg Drop Soup
    Pasta e Ceci Roman Chickpeas Soup
    Pasta e Patate Potato Soup
    Minestra di Lenticchie Lentil Soup
    Minestra Maritata (Italian Wedding Soup) Soup of Meat and Vegetables
    Risi e Bisi Rice and Peas Soup
    stracciatella かき玉風のコンソメスープ
    minestra 小粒パスタ入りのコンソメスープ
    zuppa di verdura 人参、じゃがいも、ズッキーニなどの野菜入りスープ
    minestrone パスタまたはお米の入った野菜スープ
    zuppa pavese 生卵を皿に入れ熱々のコンソメを注いだスープ。
    tortellini in bordo 肉詰めパスタのトルテリーニ入りコンソメスープ
    Sugo di Carne Meat-Tomato Sauce
    Fettuccine all’Alfredo Fettuccine with Butter and Parmigiano
    Pasta a Cacio e Pepe Pasta with Pecorino Romano Cheese and Black Pepper
    Pasta Aio e Oio Pasta with Oil and Garlic
    Penne all’Arrabbiata Penne with Tomato and Red Pepper
    Pasta alla Gricia Pasta with Bacon and Pecorino Romano Cheese
    Spaghetti alla Carbonara Spaghetti with Eggs and Bacon
    Spaghetti alla Amatriciana Spaghetti with Bacon and Tomato
    Fettuccine alla Papalina Fettuccine with Eggs and bacon
    Pasta con i Funghi e Piselli Pasta with Mushrooms and Peas
    Spaghetti alla Puttanesca Spaghetti with olives and tomato
    Ragù di Tonno Tuna Fish Tomato Sauce
    Fusilli coi Broccoli Arriminati Pasta with Cauliflower Sauce
    Salsa Marinara Marinara Sauce
    (Staffed and Layered Rasagne)  
    Lasagna Bolognese (Lasagna al forno) Lasagna Bologna Style (Baked Lasagna)
    Cannelloni con la Balsamella Cannelloni (Manicotti) with White Sauce
    Ravioli con Ricotta e Spinaci Ravioli Stuffed with Spinach and Ricotta Cheese
    Lasagna con Crema di Broccoli Lasagna with Cauliflower Cream
    Gnocchi di Patate Potato Gnocchi
    Gnocchi con Vongole e Porcini Gnocchi with Clams and Porcini Mushrooms
    Risotto alla Milanese Risotto with Saffron
    Risotto con i Funghi Porcini Secchi Risotto with Dry Porcini Mushrooms
    Risotto con Zucca e Radiccho Risotto with Pumpkin and Red Radicchio
    Risotto con il Sugo Risotto with Tomato Sauce
    Pomodori con il Riso Rice Stuffed Tomatoes
    Risotto con gli Asparagi Risotto with Asparagus
    Polenta Pasticciata Polenta with Tomato Sauce and Cheese
    Polenta Fritta Fried Polenta
    Polenta con le Spuntature di Maiale Polenta with Pork Ribs and Tomato Sauce

    Secondo Piatto (Second Course, 第二皿)
    Arrosto di Maiale alle Erbe Pork Roast With Herbs
    Brasato all' Amarone Braised Beef in Amarone Wine Sauce
    Arrosto alla Senape Beef Roast with Mustard
    Arrosto all’Arancio Pork Roast with Orange
    Straccetti con la Rucola Little Beef Tatters with Arugula
    Saltimbocca Veal Scaloppini with Prosciutto And Sage
    Fegato alla Veneziana Liver and Onion Venetian Style
    Ossobuco alla Milanese stewed beef shanks
    Trippa alla Romana Tripe Roman Style With Tomato and Fresh Mint

    Contorno (Garnish or Side Courses, 付け合せ)
    Carciofi alla Romana Artichokes Roman Style
    Insalata di Arance e Finocchi Orange and Fennel Salad
    Fagioli all'Uccelletto sautéed beans with sage
    Funghi Trifolati Sautéed Mushrooms
    Fagiolini con la Cipolla Green Beans with Onion
    Insalata di Patate e Fagiolini Potatoes and Greenbeans Salad
    Verdure Grigliate e Marinate Grilled Marinated Vegetables
    Cavolo Affogato Sauteed Cabbage
    Insalata di Rinforzo Neapolitan Cauliflower Salad
    Cavolfiori Gratinati Cauliflower Gratin
    Broccoletti Ripassati Sautéed Rapini
    Patate e Funghi Gratinati Potatoes and Mushrooms Gratin
    insalata mista ミックスサラダ
    fagioli bianchi ゆでた白インゲン豆のオリーブ油風味
    spinaci a piacere, al burro, in padella, al limone ほうれん草のお好み料理。
    patate fritte フライドポテト
    patate al forno ローストポテト
    peperonata 赤や黄色のピーマン、ズッキーニ、なすなどのトマト煮
    Carotine al Burro Butter Sautéed Baby Carrots
    Gatto’ di Patate Potato Mold

    Dolce or Dessert (Desserts)
    Classic Tiramisú Cake Recipe Coffee and Cheese Trifle
    (Cakes, Tarts, Pies ...) 
    Zuccotto Whipped Cream Trifle
    Crostata di Ricotta Roman Ricotta Cake
    Panettone Glassato Glazed Panettone
    Colomba Pasquale Easter Dove
    Torta Gianduia Hazelnuts Chocolate Cake
    Torta di Zabaglione Zabaglione Cake
    Torta Ricciolina Fettuccine Tart
    Panforte Tuscan Spiced Fruitcake from Siena
    Torta di carote Carrot Cake
    dolci della casa 自家製デザート
    creme caramelle プリン
    zucotto 生クリームをたっぷり詰めた半球形のケーキ
    crostata ビスケット生地にジャムを塗り焼いたタルト
    torta di ricotta 砂糖漬け果物入りコッタチーズのタルト
    gelato misto ミックスアイスクリーム
    ("Spoon" Desserts) 
    Zabaglione Zabaglione
    Pesche col Vino Chianti Peaches in Wine Chianti
    Panna Cotta Milk and Caramel Pudding
    Crema di Mascarpone Mascarpone Cream
    Macedonia di Frutta Seasonal Fruit Salad
    Arance al Marsala Oranges Marinated in Marsala Wine
    Cantucci Tuscan Almond Biscotti
    Amaretti Almond Italian Macaroons
    Mostaccioli Southern Italian Spiced Cookies
    Fasciatelle Sicilian Almond Filled Cookies
    Biscotti all'Uvetta Raisin Cookies
    Zaleti Venetian Corn Cookies
    Brutti e Buoni (Ugly But Good) Rustic Almond Cookies
    Biscotti Rococò Spicy Almond Cookies
    Cuccidati (Buccellati) Sicilian Fig Cookies
    Biscotti all'Arancio Orange Chocolate Cookies
    (Fried Pastries) 
    Cannoli Siciliani Sicilian Cannoli Filled with Ricotta Cheese
    Frittelle di Carnevale Carnival Fritters
    Frappe Fried Ribbons
    Gelato alla Vaniglia Vanilla Ice Cream
    Gelato al Pistacchio Pistachio Ice Cream
    Gelato Tiramisù Tiramisu’ Ice Cream
    Gelato alla Gianduia Chocolate Hazelnuts Ice Cream
    Gelato alla fragola Strawberry Ice Cream
    Granita di Caffè con Panna Coffee Granita with Whipped Cream

    Fast Dishes
    Insalata Caprese Mozzarella and Tomato Salad
    Fettuccine all’Alfredo Fettuccine with Butter and Parmigiano
    Pasta a Cacio e Pepe Pasta with Pecorino Romano Cheese and Black Pepper
    Pasta Aio e Oio Pasta with Oil and Garlic
    Penne all’Arrabbiata Penne with Tomato and Red Pepper
    Pasta alla Gricia Pasta with Bacon and Pecorino Romano Cheese
    (Side Courses) 
    Fagioli All'Uccelletto sautéed beans with sage
    Insalata di Arance e Finocchi Orange and Fennel Salad
    Cavolo Affogato Sauteed Cabbage
    Broccoletti Ripassati Sautéed Rapini
    Fagiolini con la Cipolla Green Beans with Onion
    Carotine al Burro Butter Sautéed Baby Carrots
    (Second Courses) 
    Petto di Pollo ai Ferri Grilled Chicken Breast
    Capesante al Basilico Scallops with Basil
    Tagliata alla Rugola Barbeque Steak with Arugula
    Insalata di Fagioli con il Tonno Bean and Tuna Salad
    Petti di Pollo con Burro e Salvia Chicken Breast Scaloppine with Butter and Sage
    Straccetti con la Rucola Little Beef Tatters with Arugula
    The Amazing Frittata Italian Style Omelette
    Frittata con la Mozzarella Frittata with Mozzarella Cheese
    Frittata con le Zucchine Frittata with Zucchine
    Frittata di Spaghetti Frittata with Spaghetti
    Arance al Marsala Oranges Marinated in Marsala Wine
    Macedonia di Frutta Seasonal Fruit Salad
    Pesche col Vino Chianti Peaches in Wine Chianti

    Quoted from: Traditional Italian Cooking and Recipes
    Reference: Italian Cooking and Living
    Reference: 地球の歩き方 - イタリア