
Sample Dialog (alla trattoria)

Sample Dialog

A husband and wife enter a trattoria in early evening.

waiter (upon noticing the couple's arrival): Buona sera. Ha prenotato?
husband: No, non ho prenotato. Ha un tavolo libero per due?
waiter (indicating the way to an available table): Si, signore. Prego.

After a brief wait, a waiter arrives and leaves menus. Soon after, he returns to offer the couple a chance to order something to drink while contemplating the dinner orders.

waiter: Cosa da bere?
husband: Vorremo una bottiglia di acqua minerale naturale e del vino. C'e un vino bianco della casa?
waiter: Si. Una bottiglia?
husband: Potremmo avere un mezzo litro del vino?
waiter: Si - acqua minerale naturale e mezzo litro di vino bianco.

A member of the restaurant staff comes and puts some bread on the table. After a short while, the waiter returns with bottle of water and a beaker of wine. He leaves and returns again to take the dinner order.

waiter (readying order pad): Allora...
husband: Per cominciare, vorremo due bruschette(*), una bruschetta al tartufo ed una bruschetta semplice.
waiter (makes a quick note, then looks up again): Si.
husband: Per primi, un tagliatelle al tartufo e un linguini(*2) pomodoro.
waiter (again makes a quick note and looks up expectantly): Si.
husband: Per secondo, prendiamo due piatti di funghi porcini alla griglia.
husband: E dei contorni: patate fritte e spinaci saltati.

Waiter once again writes quickly to his pad, then looks up expectantly.

husband: È tutto.
waiter (with a certain approving air): Va bene.

Waiter walks off to deliver order and some time goes by during which the couple enjoys the water, the wine, the bread and the general ambience. In due course, the antipasti courses - two orders of bruschetta - arrive. The couple enjoys each course in turn, eventually finishing all the items so far ordered. Restaurant staff clear the empty dishes and other debris. The waiter returns.

waiter: Allora, altro? - dessert, caffè, digestivi?
husband: Una panna cotta et due caffè - anche il conto, per favore.

In a short while, the panna cotta arrives. The couple shares it and drinks the two espressos which arrive separately. A little time goes by and the check does not arrive.

husband (catching the waiter's eye): Scusi - il conto, per favore.

Soon after the check arrives. The couple pays the amount indicated, adding a 10 percent tip since no service charge has been included and the meal was very enjoyable. They then stand up and walk to the exit.

waiter (seeing the couple on their way out): Buona sera.
couple: Grazie, buona sera.

Source: Slow Travel Italy
Toasted bread rubbed with garlic and dressed with olive oil, and fresh diced tomato, sometimes topped with onions and mushrooms.
Flat thin noodles, mostly popular in Southern Italy; linguine alle vongole, with a red or white clam sauce.
Source: ItalianMade.com