


Many words in English and Italian share common Latin roots. By making adjustments to pronunciation and spelling, we can learn similar words, called "cognates," very easily.

When learning a new language, always look for repeated patterns. This reduces the amount of work you have to do and helps you to learn vocabulary more quickly.

Look at the following groups of English words and notice how similar they are to their Italian equivalents.

GROUP ONE: Drop the final -e if any, and add -o/-a/-e/-i to produce the Italian equivalent:

alternativeartisticfortunate impulsive
aggressive astute frenetic inconsiderate
bucolic asinine indelicate indiscrete
calm austere individualistic inoffensive
domestic avid fatalistic insincere
discrete abrasive florid intuitive
diplomatic accurate furtive inventive
deliberate acute frigid intrepid
dissolute barbaric flaccid immature
elusive benign genuine mature
egocentric classic grandiose moderate
erratic diabolic idealistic modest
erudite decisive intense offensive
enigmatic delicate imitative sincere
evasive fanatic immoderate robust
drastic imprecise stupid

GROUP TWO: Another type can be formed by adding a final -e to the English form thus producing the Italian equivalent:


editor carnival
creator criminal
color terror


antisocial gradual
general ideal
cerebral decadent
cultural brutal
evident elegant
indulgent manual
material musical
industrial mental
innocent universal
integral pastoral
natural papal
spiritual natal
social strident
total original

GROUP III: A third type of adjectives insert an additional "i." The English (or French) -BLE suffix becomes the Italian -BILE:

credible credibile dirigible dirigibile
incredible incredibile compatible compatibile
terrible terribile formidable formidabile
ineffable ineffabile

GROUP IV: Another group of Italian Adjectives is formed by changing the English suffix "-OUS" to Italian "-OSO" (plus any additional adjustments to pronunciation and orthography.

valorous valoroso indecorous indecoroso
VISCOUS VISCHIOSO jocose giocoso
jealous geloso dubious dubbioso

Part Two: Adjective agreement

Just as articles agree with their nouns, adjectives which modify or describe nouns must also make agreements of gender (masculine, feminine) and number (singular, plural).

Source: The Italian Program at the University of Kentucky