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Glossary of Menu Terms (Part 2)
- acciuga, -ghe = anchovy アンチョビ
caviale = caviar キャビア
salmone affumicato スモーク・サーモン
sardine all'olio = Sardines preserved in oil; fresh sardines are called sarde. いわしの油漬け
prosciutto(*) ハム
salame サラミ
mortadella = Large pork sausage, originally from Bologna ボローニャ・ソーセージ
oliva オリーブの実
frutti di mare(*2) シーフードの盛り合わせ
ostrica = Oysters 生牡蛎
gamberetto(*3) 小エビのカクテル
tonno マグロの油漬け
coppa(*4) ベーコン
uovo タマゴ
carciofo, -i = artichoke アーティチョーク
cetriolini sottaceto(*5) = cucumber pickles きゅうりの酢漬け
prosciutto crudo con melone 生ハムのメロン添え
insalata russa ゆで野菜のマヨネーズ添え
(*)Ham, whether salt-cured crudo (raw), cotto (cooked) or affumicato (smoked). The making for this unique product is regulated by law and is produced throughout Italy. The term may also apply to a leg of wild boar (prosciutto di cinghiale), goat, goose or turkey. Prosciuttificio, production house for prosciutti.
(*2)"Fruits of the sea," the general term for seafood, chiefly mollusks and crustaceans, raw or cooked.
(*3)Name used for various crustaceans, cooked in every conceivable way, from boiled to fried, hot to cold. Gambero rosso and gambero imperiale or mazzancolla are large Mediterranean prawns, also called gamberoni; gamberelli are smaller prawns; gamberetti tiny shrimp; gamberi d'acqua dolce freshwater crayfish.
(*4)Pressed, cooked, boneless pork neck. Also named capocollo in Souther Italy.
(*5)Foods preserved in vinegar, generally vegetables or mushrooms, pickles.
- Minestra(*) スープ
- busecca 野菜スープ
brodo(*2) di manzo ミートスープ
minestra di funghi きのこのスープ
crema di legumi 野菜のクリームスープ
crema di pomodori トマトスープ
minestrone 野菜のごった煮
pastina(*3) in brodo パスタスープ
stracciatella(*4) 卵とチーズのスープ
consomme コンソメスープ
brodo di pollo チキンスープ
zuppa(*5) di pesce = fish soup 魚のスープ
(*)generic term for soup and also for first course (covering pasta, risotto, gnocchi, etc.); minestra in brodo broth with pasta or rice; minestrone hearty vegetable soup; minestrina light soup or broth; see also zuppa.
(*2)Broth or stock from boiled meats, vegetables or fish.
(*3)General term that refers to any tiny cut pasta cooked in soups.
(*4)"Little rags." Chicken or beef soup with little egg-and-cheese dumplings passed through a sieve, making the egg mixture into little rag-like shreds.
(*5)Soup, covering a range of vegetable, bean, meat and fish-based recipes, in theory thicker than a classical minestra, though the division isn't always clear; zuppa inglese custard cake soaked in sweet wine or liqueur.
- Pastasciutta(*) パスタ類
- spaghetti(*2) スパゲッティ
lasagna(*3) ラザーニャ
fettuccine(*4) 紐皮うどん
gnocchi(*5) スイトン
spaghetti al pomodoro トマトソース・スパゲッティ(ナポリタン)
spaghetti alle vongole あさりスパゲッティ
spaghetti alla bolognese ミートソース・スパゲッティ
lasagne al forno ミートソース・ラザーニャ
risotto(*6) alla milanese サフラン風味の米料理
maccheroni(*7) マカロニ
cannelloni(*8) カネロニ
ravioli(*9) 餃子
risotto 米スープ
(*)Cooked noodles served dry (asciutta), usually with sauce, as opposed to pasta in brodo, cooked in broth or soup; pastina small pasta used in soups; pastificio pasta factory.
(*2)Long, thin strands of dried or fresh pasta, by far the most popular form in Italy. It is made both fresh and dried.
(*3)A layered pasta dish baked, with fresh mozzarella, usually with a besciamella or tomato sauce. There are many varieties of this dish throughout Italy that reflect regional preferences and traditions.
(*4)Long flat egg pasta strands, 3/8 inch wide.
(*5)Dumplings from potato and flour or semolino, usually served dressed as a first course; gnocchi verdi are green from spinach mixed with ricotta; gnocchetti are smaller.
(*6)A dish of creamy cooked, stubby rice (under names like Arborio and Canaroli) that absorbs a good quantity of broth to make it flavorful and tender. The classic risotto alla milanese is made with saffron and grana, but any number of ingredients, from beef glaze, mushrooms and tomatoes, are used to create regional varieties.
(*7)Macaroni; in parts of southern Italy this is a generic term for dried pasta, though elsewhere it usually refers to short pasta tubes like rigatoni and ziti.
(*8)Pasta tubes, similar to manicotti, stuffed with meat and cheese. They take a variety of sauces like tomato or pesto.
(*9)Square pasta shapes (sometimes ridged) enclosing any of a wide variety of ingredients, most commonly ricotta and spinach.
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